Ensure that construction heaters are applied effectively and safely by following this helpful guide.

Master indirect oil heaters are highly efficient and generate 100% clean, dry and fume-free warm air. They are ideal for places with limited ventilation like shops, event tents, food preparation areas or exhibition halls. They can be used with flex hoses to distribute the warm air.
View all of our indirect oil fired air heaters, tent heaters and other types of mobile commercial heaters to meet your required applications.
Use our calculator to get recommendations for the size of air flow heater you need for your room.
Register your Master product here to take advantage of the benefits of the 3-year limited warranty.
Use the Master Climate solutions app to calculate power and get recommended heating, cooling, drying or ventilation products for your work area.
Ensure that construction heaters are applied effectively and safely by following this helpful guide.
Which heating solution is the right choice for your circumstances?
Heating marquees and tents is an exact science – the right products from Master can help you save energy and costs while keeping people warm.
Complete your details below and the right person from our expert team will get back to you.
For service and spare parts enquiries please include serial number and product type in the Message field.