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Tent heaters

Getting the right heater for structures with little ventilation is key, and with 100% clean, dry, air, our range of tent heaters offer the right solution. Able to operate in temperatures as low as -40°C, tent heaters are suitable for the toughest of environments. Enquire below and speak to an expert today.

Why choose tent heaters?

If a tent is not adequately heated, the wellbeing of the guests or occupants inside can fall rapidly, and increase the likelihood of damage to temperature-sensitive equipment. At best, a lack of tent heating units can make a space uncomfortable to be in. At worst, poor temperature control may make these spaces too cold to safely inhabit.

To address these issues and efficiently and effectively regulate the climate inside of temporary structures, commercial tent heaters are specifically designed to provide clean, safe and fume-free warm air.

Additionally, because industrial tent heaters can be a critical source of warmth in certain situations, they are able to withstand rough and rugged conditions while still remaining mobile and portable.

As a result, our portable heaters are ideally suited to helping occupants, guests and patients stay warm in a number of settings, including:

  • Refugee camps
  • Wedding marquees
  • Festival tents
  • Field hospitals
  • Large tents

To accommodate the needs of these enclosed spaces, there are two main types of tent heaters:

  • Electric heaters, which harness the power of electricity to produce their heating output
  • Indirect oil-fired heaters, that use fuels like diesel to produce large volumes of clean, fume-free heat

While both types of systems differ in how they create their heat, oil-fired and electric tent heaters incorporate a number of safety features to give you and your occupants peace of mind. These safety functions can include, but are not limited to:

  • Overheat protection, that automatically regulates the heating output to prevent temperatures from soaring to uncomfortable and even unsafe levels inside
  • A tip-over switch, which automatically shuts down the machine if the unit is not positioned upright as a way of minimising the fire safety risk
  • In-built ventilation, that can constantly introduce fresh air to the temporary structure, keeping indoor conditions safe and free from pollutants like carbon monoxide
  • Adjustable heat settings, which allow operators to adjust the target temperature and energy used to heat a tent

Beyond their impressive robustness and safety, our commercial tent heaters are also highly energy efficient in their own right, so long as the right type of heater is selected for the job.

Speak to our expert team today, and we can help you select the optimal device for your setting. Whether you’re hosting an outdoor festival or coordinating a humanitarian effort, our systems are a robust, reliable and cost-effective solution for a wide variety of roles.

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We believe in climate control built to your specifications

Every solution we deliver starts with a bespoke consultation. Our highly trained experts work to understand your unique requirements so you receive exactly what you need.

Manufactured in-house by our specialist engineers, we tailor solutions that meet your expectations, and instantly connect you with the right supplier.

Tent heaters: Frequently Asked Questions

What are tent heaters?

Tent heaters play an important role in protecting the health and safety of occupants inside temporary structures by providing clean, warm air where it’s needed. Essential for hosting outdoor events or providing hospitality to refugees.

How do tent heaters work?

There are two main types of tent heaters – electric heaters and indirect oil-fired heaters.

Electric heaters connect to a power outlet or generator, turning the energy it draws into warm, clean air. This is circulated inside to keep occupants at the right temperature throughout the day.

Indirect-fired heaters also deliver warm, fume free air. To do this, a flame is housed inside a combustion chamber which heats cold outside air via a heat exchanger. This warm air is then distributed into the tent, free from harmful pollutants.

We also supply a range of specially configured tent heaters, using the same indirect-fired ‘clean air’ principle.

Why should I use a tent heater?

Tents and marquees are temporary structures whose materials often provide insufficient protection from cold temperatures.

Without an adequate or reliable heat source, those inside can be exposed to various cold-related conditions, including hypothermia, frostbite and trench foot. In addition to that, temperature-sensitive systems can break down and cause problems.

Tent heaters provide warm air in the harshest conditions, creating a stable, safe and comfortable environment for event attendees to visit and displaced refugees to live. Temperature control is also key to the preservation of critical technology.

What types of fuel do tent heaters use?

Our professional range of indirect oil-fired tent heaters can run on either diesel or Biofuel, depending on the unit selected.

Are tent heaters safe to use in enclosed spaces?

Yes. Tent heaters are designed specifically to generate warm and clean air, making them safe for use in tents and temporary structures of any size.

Can tent heaters be used in all types of tents?

Yes. Whether refugee camps and field hospitals need protection from the elements, or wedding marquees and festival tents require warm air, our expert range of tent heaters can reach and maintain the right conditions in any tent.

That is why we are trusted as the supplier of choice for humanitarian organisations around the world, and why several of our systems are considered the NATO standard.

Are there safety features in tent heaters?

Our equipment at Dantherm Group goes the extra mile to protect the health and comfort of people, as well as vital equipment in tents and at events. To do this, our equipment incorporates safety features, including:

  • Overheat protection, which keeps temperatures within a safe range
  • Tip-over switches, which shuts off equipment when not fully upright
  • Adjustable heat settings, which allows target temperatures to be designated

Can I buy your tent heaters online?

For all of our tent heaters, VAT-registered companies can get a quote very quickly by pressing 'I want to buy' and inserting their enquiry and contact details.

However, you cannot carry out the entire purchasing process on our website. This is because due to the solution you wish to purchase and your area of residence, you may or may not need to buy through a local Dantherm Group representative. We will facilitate this when you use the 'I want to buy' button for the heater of your choice.

Can I bulk buy tent heaters for a large project?

Yes, we can fulfil bulk orders across our range of tent heaters for large, bespoke projects. Get in contact with our experts or go direct to your local Dantherm Group representative to discuss the exact needs of your project and how we can meet your requirements.

Can I speak to someone for technical advice to buy the right tent heaters?

At Dantherm Group, we pride ourselves on ensuring all solutions we supply are tailored to your precise needs. Our decades of experience and total control over the design and manufacture of our range of tent heaters means we can provide you with bespoke, technical advice to ensure you receive the most efficient, effective and sustainable solution.

Reach out to our experts for a free, specialist consultation about your specifications so we can advise you on the most suitable solution.

What is your delivery time for tent heaters?

This depends. For some standard tent heaters, as well as their accessories and consumables, we offer day-to-day delivery. Larger or more complex orders will likely have a longer lead time.

For detailed information on when you can expect to receive the solutions you are interested in, please reach out to your local Dantherm Group representative.

Do you sell tent heaters to private individuals?

No. Dantherm Group tent heaters included on this website are sold only to industry professionals either directly or via our extensive network of suppliers.

Do you provide support, servicing and parts for these tent heaters?

Yes. We have dedicated offices, suppliers and servicing partners based across Europe to provide timely, ongoing support across our entire range of tent heaters. You can get in touch through our contact form and we will make sure your enquiry is handled by the office or service partner best suited to your needs.

We also have an extensive network of spare parts dealers throughout Europe, who are geared to provide you with a complete stock of spare parts for your solutions. We are committed to catering to your needs and getting you the required parts as quickly and easily as possible.

How can I become a supplier to sell your tent heaters?

If you would like to become a supplier of Dantherm Group tent heaters, please refer to our Supplier Code of Conduct.

Get in touch with our team via email or over the phone if you have an enquiry, and we will get back to you at our earliest convenience.

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