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Bug pest control

The bug pest control units we supply use thermal disinfection heaters as an environmentally friendly, and non-intrusive method of killing off infestations of bugs and pests. This makes them suitable for use in all public and commercial spaces, as well as for any industrial purpose. Discover our range of bug pest control units and speak to an expert today.

Why choose bug pest control units?

In order to neutralise roach, termite, bed bug infestations and more, it was often the case that professionals would have to rely on chemicals that were imprecise and toxic to pets, plants and sometimes even humans.

However, natural pest control methods and more precise devices have become widely available that are able to accurately target the unwanted intruders in question without causing additional collateral damage to either the surrounding areas or nearby inhabitants.

Thermal disinfection is an effective, reliable and eco-friendly method of bug pest control. This type of heat treatment eradicates insects and other undesired intruders by raising the temperature of a room significantly for a brief time.

Because these creatures are unable to withstand high temperatures for prolonged periods, this method is an excellent way of disinfecting an entire space and preventing re-infestation quickly.

Beyond its exceptional efficacy, this industrial pest control solution is optimally suited to environments such as offices, restaurants and homes because:

  • It targets insects and pests at any stage in their lifecycle, from eggs to adults
  • Pest removal is swift, often requiring only a single round of heat treatment
  • Heat can eradicate intruders in difficult and hard-to-reach areas with ease
  • Hot air can also penetrate surfaces and kill pests within rugs, walls and more

Another form of environmentally friendly pest control involves the use of microbial insecticides. While traditional chemicals could cause widespread damage to water, soil, plants and other organic life, these substances can have the ability to target individual types of insects, including bed bugs, rats, cockroaches and more.

Furthermore, the intrusion of insects and animals can also bring unpleasant odours inside. To complement any bug pest control strategy, essential oils and oxidants can be used to neutralise these pungent smells.

As a way of efficiently delivering these odour-eliminating oils, ultra-low volume distributors, such as ULV foggers, nebulise oxidants which quickly spread to all corners of a room and help disinfect a previously infested space.

If you want to learn more about our range of bio bug pest management systems, explore the full range of industrial pest control with our professional team.

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Every solution we deliver starts with a bespoke consultation. Our highly trained experts work to understand your unique requirements so you receive exactly what you need.

Manufactured in-house by our specialist engineers, we tailor solutions that meet your expectations, and instantly connect you with the right supplier.

Bug pest control units: Frequently Asked Questions

What is a bug pest control unit?

Bug pest control units are devices used to control the population of bugs and pests in an infested area, such as homes, commercial buildings or agricultural environments. These may use a variety of methods to achieve this, from spreading chemical disinfectants to the use of thermal disinfection.

How does a bug pest control unit work?

This will depend on the specific type of bug pest control unit. Many of our units at Dantherm Group use thermal disinfection. This is where heat beyond an insect or pest’s “thermal death point” is delivered to the infested area, which can eradicate all bugs and their eggs in a matter of minutes.

Alternative pest control units use chemical sprays to target and kill pests. We supply a range of foggers that spread a fine, dry mist of chemical substances across a space to eliminate all bugs and pests in the area.

Other bug pest control units may use electronic or ultrasonic waves to repel bugs, while some will use traps or baits to attract and catch pests.

What are the benefits of using a bug pest control unit?

Using a bug pest control unit can effectively reduce or entirely eliminate the population of bugs and pests in a specific area. This has numerous benefits, including:

  • Making spaces healthier and more sanitary
  • Protecting property and products from damage or contamination
  • Defending food stuffs from being eaten or spoiled
  • Limiting repair works associated with pest damage
  • Protecting pets and animals from harm or disease

How often should I use a bug pest control unit?

The frequency of use for a bug pest control unit will depend on the type of unit you employ and the level of infestation. The duration they must be used to eliminate pests in the area can also differ significantly – thermal disinfection is often quicker than chemical spraying.

It is recommended that you consult with the specific instruction manual for your chosen unit for advice on its application, or reach out to our highly trained experts for guidance.

Are bug pest control units safe for use around children and pets?

The safety of a bug pest control unit will depend on its specific method of operation. Chemical sprays used by fogger units can be harmful if ingested or inhaled, while thermal disinfection at extremely high temperatures may be dangerous if children or pets either touch or are in the vicinity of these units.

It is crucial to consult the instruction manual and speak to a trained expert before using any bug pest control unit – especially around children or animals.

When would you use a bug pest control unit?

Bug pest control units should be used when an area is infested with unwanted bugs or pests that threaten the wellbeing of occupants, products or structures.

The choice of which type of unit you apply will depend on the nature of the infested space and your parameters. If you are keen to prevent pests returning to the area following your disinfection, a residual layer of chemicals from a sprayer can help achieve this. However, for cleaner, safer and often more efficient pest removal, thermal disinfection heaters are preferable.

What are the most common types of bugs and pests that a bug pest control unit can control?

Bust pest control units can rid areas of some of the most common pests that plague residential and commercial structures across Europe, including:

  • Bed bugs
  • Flour beetles
  • Grain beetles
  • Cigarette & drugstore beetles
  • Meal moths
  • Dust mites

Can I use a bug pest control unit in addition to other pest control methods?

Yes. You can use our bug pest control units alongside traps, baits and other preventative pest control measures, as well as the use of monitoring equipment.

How effective are bug pest control units?

Effective pest control heaters deliver flows of hot air for the required time, distributing this to every nook and cranny of the room it is operating in. This will make sure that the insects have nowhere to escape that is cooler, leading to total eradication. The right heater will be able to achieve this in a clean, safe and efficient way.

Meanwhile, chemical foggers can also cover every corner of a room, and can help prevent future infestations. They are often inexpensive to acquire and easy to apply, meaning they are also an effective way to eliminate bugs and pests if the appropriate safety measures are taken.

Can I buy your bug pest control units online?

For all of our bug pest control units, VAT-registered companies can get a quote very quickly by pressing 'I want to buy' and inserting their enquiry and contact details.

However, you cannot carry out the entire purchasing process on our website. This is because due to the pest control unit you wish to purchase and your area of residence, you may or may not need to buy through a local Dantherm Group representative. We will facilitate this when you use the 'I want to buy' button for the unit of your choice.

Can I bulk buy bug pest control units?

Yes, we can fulfil bulk orders across our range of bug pest control units. Get in contact with our experts or go direct to your local Dantherm Group representative to discuss the exact needs of your project and how we can meet your requirements.

Can I speak to someone for technical advice to buy the right bug pest control units?

At Dantherm Group, we pride ourselves on ensuring all solutions we supply are tailored to your precise needs. Our decades of experience and total control over the design and manufacture of our range of bug pest control units means we can provide you with bespoke, technical advice to ensure you receive the most efficient, effective and sustainable solution.

Reach out to our experts for a free, specialist consultation about your specifications so we can advise you on the most suitable unit.

What is your delivery time for bug pest control units?

This depends. For some standard bug pest control units, as well as their accessories and consumables, we offer day-to-day delivery. Larger or more complex orders will likely have a longer lead time.

For detailed information on when you can expect to receive the solutions you are interested in, please reach out to your local Dantherm Group representative.

Do you sell bug pest control units to private consumers?

No. All Dantherm Group bug pest control units included on this website are sold only to industry professionals either directly or via our extensive network of suppliers.

Do you provide support, servicing and parts for your bug pest control units?

Yes. We have dedicated offices, suppliers and servicing partners based across Europe to provide timely, ongoing support across our entire range of bug pest control units. You can get in touch through our contact form and we will make sure your enquiry is handled by the office or service partner best suited to your needs.

We also have an extensive network of spare parts dealers throughout Europe, who are geared to provide you with a complete stock of spare parts for your units. We are committed to catering to your needs and getting you the required parts as quickly and easily as possible.

How can I become a supplier to sell your bug pest control units?

If you would like to become a supplier of Dantherm Group bug pest control units, please refer to our Supplier Code of Conduct.

Get in touch with our team via email or over the phone if you have an enquiry, and we will get back to you at our earliest convenience.

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