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Our broad range of efficient condensation and desiccant industrial and commercial dehumidifiers enables us to offer impartial advice on finding the right drying solution for a variety of applications. Offering complete humidity control, our solutions are either portable, wall-mounted or floor-standing. Discover our range of professional dehumidifiers and speak to an expert today.

Why choose a commercial dehumidifier?

Commercial dehumidifiers help organisations and other firms regulate their climate and keep humidity levels within comfortable parameters all year round. To understand what size and type of industrial dehumidifier is fit for purpose, it is first important to gauge the presence of moisture presently.

Relative humidity (RH) is a measurement that expresses the concentration of moisture in the air as a percentage total of what it could hold. As the air temperature changes, so too does the amount of water in the atmosphere.

This is a useful metric to gauge how humid an environment is, as spaces flush with excess moisture or too much dried air can both be uncomfortable for occupants.

To strike the optimal balance within your indoor climate, a condense or commercial desiccant dehumidifier is a powerful tool that can help automatically monitor and control humidity levels and prevent the build-up of excess moisture in the air.

To determine whether a professional dehumidifier is necessary for your facility, there are several symptoms to be aware of.

In a space too dry, it can be common to see:

  • Irritated eyes and noses
  • Skin drying and flaking
  • Infections easily spreading inside

Whereas an environment that is too moist might lead to:

  • Damp and mould growth on walls
  • Musty smells indoors
  • Wood rot on beams and floors

Although there are two main types of industrial dehumidifiers – condense and desiccant units – they function similarly. Humid air is first drawn in and then, via the natural process of condensation or desiccation, unwanted moisture is captured and drained away. The dried air is then exhausted outwards, and the process repeats.

Because of this, commercial ducted dehumidifiers are optimally suited to removing excess moisture from the air in a wide range of scenarios, including water damage restoration, construction work and supermarkets.

Additionally, by harnessing either the natural process of desiccation or condensation to control the humidity levels and climate inside, our portable, wall-mounted and floor-standing solutions are very energy efficient, highly sustainable and exceptionally reliable.

To learn how our dehumidification technology can benefit you and your facilities, get in touch with a member of our expert team today and let us help you choose the optimal solution for your needs.

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We believe in climate control built to your specifications

Every solution we deliver starts with a bespoke consultation. Our highly trained experts work to understand your unique requirements so you receive exactly what you need.

Manufactured in-house by our specialist engineers, we tailor solutions that meet your expectations, and instantly connect you with the right supplier.

Commercial dehumidifiers: Frequently Asked Questions

What is a commercial dehumidifier?

A commercial dehumidifier targets excessive humidity in an area, bringing this down to a comfortable, safe level.

By removing moisture from the air, dehumidifiers prevent condensation causing gradual damage to building materials and objects, making conditions much more hospitable for people, particularly in the most humid climates and times of year.

For this reason, commercial dehumidifiers are used across a wide range of industries, from agriculture, construction work and food production/storage, to water damage restoration works and swimming pools.

How does a commercial dehumidifier work?

Fundamentally, commercial dehumidifiers remove and capture wet, humid air from a space, pumping out dry, warm air in its place. At the right rate, this keeps the humidity at an optimal level in any environment.

However, there are two main types of commercial dehumidifier that approach this action differently – condensation dehumidifiers and adsorption dehumidifiers.

Condensation dehumidifiers draw the humid process air across a cold, refrigerated coil within the unit. This condenses the water, which is captured by the device, emitting a flow of dry air out of the dehumidifier.

Meanwhile, adsorption dehumidifiers use a desiccant material, such as a silica gel rotor, to extract moisture from the air as the rotor spins. The wet air is then ducted to the outside of the building, and the dry air is sent back into the room to manage humidity levels.

At Dantherm Group, we have been developing both types of commercial dehumidifiers for many decades. We can advise you on the most appropriate version for your requirements, and devise the ideal solution for your environment and needs.

What are the benefits of using a commercial dehumidifier?

The right commercial dehumidifier keeps humidity levels comfortable and safe all times in any space, no matter the surrounding climate. This can help to:

  • Prevent mould and mildew growth

  • Restore items following water damage

  • Make spaces more comfortable for occupants

  • Improve overall air quality

  • Address odours caused by damp

Each type of commercial dehumidifier will deliver specific advantages in your circumstances. For example, condense dehumidifiers are typically easier to install and run, more cost-effective in warmer environments, and have a minimal risk of “over-drying”.

Conversely, adsorption dehumidifiers can function well in much cooler temperatures, and can keep humidity levels very low in specific environments.

Can a commercial dehumidifier also improve air quality?

Yes. Mould and mildew are two of the biggest risks associated with high humidity and condensation. These can then spread dangerous spores and bacteria into the atmosphere, putting people’s health at risk.

Commercial dehumidifiers remove the moisture that allows mould and mildew to thrive, leading to cleaner, healthier settings for occupants.

Furthermore, if fitted with HEPA filters, UV lights or other forms of air cleaning technology, these units can also actively remove pollutants and particles from the air.

If you are looking to both control the humidity and air quality in your environment, speak to our experts today. Our decades of expertise and experience in all types of dehumidifiers will secure the best solution for your needs.

What are the different types of commercial dehumidifiers available?

The two main types of commercial dehumidifiers include condensation (refrigerant) dehumidifiers and adsorption (desiccant) dehumidifiers.

Condensation dehumidifiers are best suited for applications where the humidity requirement is above 40%, including construction drying, swimming pools, storage and archive preservation, and water damage restoration.

Adsorption dehumidifiers are required when a very low relative humidity is essential, or where operating temperatures are below 10ºC. These applications can include waterworks, pharmaceutical manufacturing and freezer storage.

Learn more about deciding between a commercial dehumidifier and adsorption dehumidifier.

How do I choose the right size commercial dehumidifier for my space?

Choosing the correct size dehumidifier for your needs must take a wide range of factors into account, including:

  • Meteorological data

  • Room size

  • Air change requirements

  • People in the area

  • Products in the area

  • Type and age of building materials

With climate control expertise stretching back to 1958, our bespoke, specialist consultations ensure you are always advised on the right commercial dehumidifier for your requirements. Get in touch with our team today and let’s get started.

How does a commercial dehumidifier compare to a residential dehumidifier?

Put simply, commercial and industrial dehumidifiers are larger and more powerful than residential dehumidifiers, which makes them ideal for industrial and commercial settings.

Residential dehumidifiers, as the name suggests, are much smaller and designed for use in homes. These can be effective in improving the air quality and tackling water damage in smaller spaces. However, their lower power, capacity and reach means they are ineffective for larger environments like warehouses and factories.

Can I buy your commercial dehumidifiers online?

For all of our commercial dehumidifiers, VAT-registered companies can get a quote very quickly by pressing 'I want to buy' and inserting their enquiry and contact details.

However, you cannot carry out the entire purchasing process on our website. This is because due to the dehumidifier you wish to purchase and your area of residence, you may or may not need to buy through a local Dantherm Group representative. We will facilitate this when you use the 'I want to buy' button for the dehumidifier of your choice.

Can I bulk buy commercial dehumidifiers?

Yes, we can fulfil bulk orders across our range of commercial dehumidifiers. Get in contact with our experts or go direct to your local Dantherm Group representative to discuss the exact needs of your project and how we can meet your requirements.

Can I speak to someone for technical advice to buy the right commercial dehumidifiers?

At Dantherm Group, we pride ourselves on ensuring all solutions we supply are tailored to your precise needs. Our decades of experience and total control over the design and manufacture of our range of commercial and industrial dehumidifiers means we can provide you with bespoke, technical advice to ensure you receive the most efficient, effective and sustainable solution.

Reach out to our experts for a free, specialist consultation about your specifications so we can advise you on the most suitable unit.

What is your delivery time for commercial dehumidifiers?

This depends. For some standard commercial dehumidifiers, as well as their accessories and consumables, we offer day-to-day delivery. Larger or more complex orders will likely have a longer lead time.

For detailed information on when you can expect to receive the solutions you are interested in, please reach out to your local Dantherm Group representative.

Do you sell commercial dehumidifiers to private consumers?

No. All Dantherm Group commercial dehumidifiers included on this website are sold only to industry professionals either directly or via our extensive network of suppliers.

Do you provide support, servicing and parts for your commercial dehumidifiers?

Yes. We have dedicated offices, suppliers and servicing partners based across Europe to provide timely, ongoing support across our entire range of commercial dehumidifiers. You can get in touch through our contact form and we will make sure your enquiry is handled by the office or service partner best suited to your needs.

We also have an extensive network of spare parts dealers throughout Europe, who are geared to provide you with a complete stock of spare parts for your dehumidifiers. We are committed to catering to your needs and getting you the required parts as quickly and easily as possible.

How can I become a supplier to sell your commercial dehumidifiers?

If you would like to become a supplier of Dantherm Group commercial dehumidifiers, please refer to our Supplier Code of Conduct.

Get in touch with our team via email or over the phone if you have an enquiry, and we will get back to you at our earliest convenience.

Commercial dehumidifiers: Featured Insights
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