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Dust control walls

Dust control walls are essential for all indoor construction projects where dust could become an issue. The dust controls walls can quickly seal off an area to prevent the spread of dust and protect people or equipment from potential harm. A dust control wall will help anyone in the building and construction industry during refurbishment or renovation projects.

Why choose dust control walls and doors?

Excessive dust on any construction site can pose a real problem, especially if this applies to one part of an active home or building. Without measures in place to minimise the spread of dust, it can tarnish living and work areas, damage equipment and place people’s health at serious risk.

There are many actions that can help tackle the impact of dust, such as covering doors, windows and furniture or sealing vents. However, few approaches offer the same quick and flexible protection as high-quality dust control walls and doors.

A dust protection wall utilises plastic foil and aluminium system bars to create a dust-tight barrier for refurbishment and renovation works. Stretching across the floor and ceiling, these solutions can be set up as room dividers, in an L or U shape, or as a polygon. All angles are possible to ensure clean rooms outside of the construction area.

The dust control door (DCD) is a bulkhead that replaces a room door. When used in combination with an air purifier to maintain negative pressure, this acts as an effective dust barrier, greatly reducing the chances of this spreading to other areas.

These important air cleaning solutions create a controlled environment where dust particles cannot travel far. Each component works to stop dust from spreading to areas where they could harm people or equipment, or require extensive cleaning times at the end of a project.

At Dantherm, our dust control solutions represent the most robust, flexible protection against dust on the market:

  • The quick release adapter for system poles makes it quick and easy to clamp these between the floor and ceiling
  • Sturdy head and foot plates keep the poles firmly in place for as long as necessary
  • Self-adhesive zippers for easy entry and exit of the construction zone
  • In addition, when combined with a powerful air cleaner, you can create effective dust control systems that protect people on both sides of these walls from the threat of dust.

Could your construction projects benefit from a dust control solution? Get in touch below and talk to an expert

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We believe in climate control built to your specifications

Every solution we deliver starts with a bespoke consultation. Our highly trained experts work to understand your unique requirements so you receive exactly what you need.

Manufactured in-house by our specialist engineers, we tailor solutions that meet your expectations, and instantly connect you with the right supplier.

Dust control walls and doors: Frequently Asked Questions

What are dust control walls and doors?

Dust control walls and doors are used as barriers during construction projects to limit the spread of dust particles to areas outside of the building site.

These are often made of heavy-duty materials, such as PVC or polyethylene, and represent an easier, more flexible way to overcome health problems associated with dust inhalation and cut down cleaning times post-project.

What are the benefits of dust control walls and doors?

Dust control walls and doors are much faster and simpler to transport, set up and use during a construction project than masking and covering doors, furniture and other spaces. These therefore help improve the efficiency of construction projects, and substantially reduce the potential cleanup required once on-site work is finished.

Further benefits of using dust control walls and doors include:

  • Reducing the health risks associated with dust inhalation for occupants

  • Making jobs safer and more convenient for on-site workers

  • Provide a clear partition for others living or working around the site

  • Improving overall air quality within a building

What are the different types of dust control walls and doors?

Dust control walls, such as the HEYWALL range, are barriers designed to create distinct refurbishment areas in large rooms. Easy-to-install telescopic poles and extendable sheets ensure that no dust can escape the designated construction area.

The flexibility of these walls can work with different shapes and configurations: L-shape, U-shape, polygon, room divider or airlock. Choosing a product like HEYWALL ensures that all angles are possible, which may not be the case with every dust control wall.

Meanwhile, dust control doors (DCDs) are bulkheads that replace room doors. Here the room is separated by a secure sheet, which is both easy to walk through and sealed against dust. When used in combination with an effective air cleaner, this can act as an outstanding dust barrier.

Each of these solutions have their own set of advantages and disadvantages. Our experts, through decades of engineering and supplying these products to construction professionals worldwide, will consider your exact needs before advising you on the best solution.

How effective are dust control walls and doors?

Dust control walls and doors are very effective at sealing off construction areas and preventing dust from escaping into other areas of a building. However, for this to happen, the walls or doors must be properly installed and maintained.

Refer to the instruction manual and speak to one of our 600 experts for advice on how to best set up either a wall or door, and ways to effectively maintain these solutions between projects.

For the greatest effect in restricting the spread of dust and improving air quality both on and around sites, dust control walls and doors should be combined with air cleaners or air purifiers. These dust control systems are extremely efficient and effective at keeping dust at bay.

What materials are used to make dust control walls and doors?

Materials often used in dust control walls and doors include PVC, polyethylene and plastic foil. This makes them durable and secure to prevent dust from escaping, but also flexible and lightweight to make them easy to transport, set up and put away.

Alongside the materials used for the bulk of the walls, other materials used in these products include:

  • Extendable aluminium system bars

  • Sealing rails

  • Side clamps

  • Angle adapters

  • Self-adhesive zippers

  • Quick-release adapters

By prioritising robust components and our commitment to European manufacturing, trust Dantherm Group for dust control walls and doors of the highest possible quality.

Where would you typically use dust control walls and doors?

Dust control walls or doors are most often used in the construction industry. This helps make sure any dust or airborne particles generated during these projects do not spread to other areas or threaten the health of on-site workers – speeding up cleanup times.

These systems may also be applied during water damage restoration works, disinfection and pest control projects, and industrial works.

Can I buy your dust control walls and doors online?

For all of our dust control walls and doors, VAT-registered companies can get a quote very quickly by pressing 'I want to buy' and inserting their enquiry and contact details.

However, you cannot carry out the entire purchasing process on our website. This is because due to the product you wish to purchase and your area of residence, you may or may not need to buy through a local Dantherm Group representative. We will facilitate this when you use the 'I want to buy' button for the product of your choice.

Can I bulk buy dust control walls and doors?

Yes, we can fulfil bulk orders across our range of dust control walls and doors. Get in contact with our experts or go direct to your local Dantherm Group representative to discuss the exact needs of your project and how we can meet your requirements.

Can I speak to someone for technical advice to buy the right dust control walls and doors?

At Dantherm Group, we pride ourselves on ensuring all solutions we supply are tailored to your precise needs. Our decades of experience and total control over the design and manufacture of our range of dust control walls and doors means we can provide you with bespoke, technical advice to ensure you receive the most efficient, effective and sustainable solution.

Reach out to our experts for a free, specialist consultation about your specifications so we can advise you on the most suitable product.

What is your delivery time for dust control walls and doors?

This depends. For some standard dust control walls and doors, as well as their accessories and consumables, we offer day-to-day delivery. Larger or more complex orders will likely have a longer lead time.

For detailed information on when you can expect to receive the solutions you are interested in, please reach out to your local Dantherm Group representative.

Do you sell dust control walls and doors to private consumers?

No. All Dantherm Group dust control walls and doors included on this website are sold only to industry professionals either directly or via our extensive network of suppliers.

Do you provide support, servicing and parts for your dust control walls and doors?

Yes. We have dedicated offices, suppliers and servicing partners based across Europe to provide timely, ongoing support across our entire range of dust control walls and doors. You can get in touch through our contact form and we will make sure your enquiry is handled by the office or service partner best suited to your needs.

We also have an extensive network of spare parts dealers throughout Europe, who are geared to provide you with a complete stock of spare parts for your dust control walls and doors. We are committed to catering to your needs and getting you the required parts as quickly and easily as possible.

How can I become a supplier to sell your dust control walls and doors?

If you would like to become a supplier of Dantherm Group dust control walls and doors, please refer to our Supplier Code of Conduct.

Get in touch with our team via email or over the phone if you have an enquiry, and we will get back to you at our earliest convenience.

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