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Dust control systems

Dust control systems are used by building professionals for dust and dangerous particle extraction, with ventilators and HEPA filters available to improve health & safety and manage the spread of dust. This makes our dust control systems ideal air cleaning solutions for construction, buildings, commercial spaces, production and leisure facilities.

Why choose dust control systems?

Large concentrations of dust are a big problem in the construction industry, and, depending on the size of the space and the duration of work, could be a dangerous contaminant when breathed in frequently, and potentially lead to illness amongst workers. Construction dust control solutions are an effective way to remove these particles from the air and ensure the safety of all on-site.

Prolonged exposure to dust on construction sites can pose a major health risk to workers. Industrial dust control solutions offer full monitoring and control capabilities to mitigate the spread of hazardous substances such as quartz dust, artificial mineral fibres, soot particles, metallurgic dust, hardwood dusts and asbestos fibres.

Fine dust build-up is a serious hazard for workers and a genuine workplace safety concern. The dust can occur as a result of sawing wood, using grinders and grit blasters, and many other everyday duties involved in building works. These tasks produce industrial dust made of microscopic materials and have a significant impact on air quality, leaving workers vulnerable to issues such as: greater risk of lung diseases, shortness of breath, asthma, silicosis, COPD and asbestosis.

While dust control measures will reduce the concentration of what is being inhaled, it is also important to identify what types of particles are present in the air. Different particles pose different risks, and further health and safety policies or dust management strategies may need to be put in place alongside your dust extraction system.

National and local authorities will have their own air quality guidelines that must be adhered to. Different bodies across the world will have rules that vary depending on what they deem to be an acceptable risk for dust control measures. For example, the UK is regulated by the HSE, whereas Germany is regulated by the BG BAU.

By introducing our powerful commercial dust control systems into your working environment, you gain peace of mind that your obligations are being met, that employees are being looked after and that the risk of illness is greatly reduced.

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Manufactured in-house by our specialist engineers, we tailor solutions that meet your expectations, and instantly connect you with the right supplier.

Dust control systems: Frequently Asked Questions

What are dust control systems?

Dust control systems are largely used during construction projects to limit the spread of hazardous dust particles to other areas of a building. This works to minimise the harm these contaminants can cause if allowed to stay in the atmosphere.

These systems can consist of air cleaners, dust protection doors, air filters, air curtains and other forms of purification solutions. They are suitable for industrial, commercial and residential settings.

What benefits do dust control systems provide?

The overarching benefit of dust control systems is their ability to improve indoor air quality and rid spaces of harmful airborne particles – as well as preventing these from travelling deeper into a home, office or another building.

These systems are effective against a wide range of potential contaminants, including quartz dust, artificial mineral fibres, soot particles, metallurgic dust, hardwood dusts and asbestos fibres – all of which can be common irritants and health risks on construction sites.

Overall, dust control solutions help to:

  • Protect people’s health and wellbeing on construction sites

  • Reduce allergies, asthma and other respiratory conditions from flaring up

  • Maintain cleanliness on construction sites, cutting down clean-up times

How do dust control systems work?

Our dust control systems work to both clean dust particles from the air during construction works, and prevent these hazardous particles from spreading further into other areas of a building.

A dust control door or wall is set up to ensure that dust and other fine particles cannot escape the area. An air cleaner is then ducted through the top of the door into the room, where it creates a negative pressure. This negative pressure stops particles entering adjacent rooms, meaning fine dust particles have no chance of escaping the work zone.

The air cleaner captures and filters dust, soot, fibres and more from the building site on a consistent basis. This helps improve the air quality during construction and renovation works, and limits the potential for health problems such as asthma, silicosis, COPD and asbestosis to take hold.

What are the different types of dust control systems?

Most dust control systems will employ an air cleaner with multiple filters, alongside a dust protection door or dust protection wall. HEPA filters are the most effective at this role, capturing particles as small as 0.3 microns, which is why these are present across our entire range of market-leading air cleaning solutions.

Factors such as the size/volume of the affected room, the extent of the dust problems and the size of doors and openings will influence the precise dust control system you require. Our experienced experts take the time to understand the parameters of your project and recommend the best solution to keep your workers safe and healthy in the most efficient way possible.

Additionally, there are also special systems designed for specific applications, such as hazardous dust containment and combustible dust collection. Again, we use our decades of expertise to advise on the ideal systems to apply in these unique cases.

Are dust control systems environmentally friendly?

At Dantherm Group, we engineer all of our dust control systems to be as environmentally friendly and sustainable as possible. Our extensive understanding and commitment to using efficient, high-quality components helps minimise the energy consumption and environmental impact of these systems.

Where would you typically use dust control systems?

Dust control systems are most commonly used during construction and renovation projects, where works are confined to specific rooms of a house or building. This is to make sure that any dust or airborne particles generated during these projects does not spread to other areas or threaten the health of on-site workers.

These systems may also be applied during water damage restoration works and industrial works.

Can I buy your dust control systems online?

For all of our dust control systems, VAT-registered companies can get a quote very quickly by pressing 'I want to buy' and inserting their enquiry and contact details.

However, you cannot carry out the entire purchasing process on our website. This is because due to the system you wish to purchase and your area of residence, you may or may not need to buy through a local Dantherm Group representative. We will facilitate this when you use the 'I want to buy' button for the dust control system of your choice.

Can I bulk buy dust control systems?

Yes, we can fulfil bulk orders across our range of dust control systems. Get in contact with our experts or go direct to your local Dantherm Group representative to discuss the exact needs of your project and how we can meet your requirements.

Can I speak to someone for technical advice to buy the right dust control systems?

At Dantherm Group, we pride ourselves on ensuring all solutions we supply are tailored to your precise needs. Our decades of experience and total control over the design and manufacture of our range of dust control systems means we can provide you with bespoke, technical advice to ensure you receive the most efficient, effective and sustainable solution.

Reach out to our experts for a free, specialist consultation about your specifications so we can advise you on the most suitable system.

What is your delivery time for dust control systems?

This depends. For some standard dust control systems, as well as their accessories and consumables, we offer day-to-day delivery. Larger or more complex orders will likely have a longer lead time.

For detailed information on when you can expect to receive the solutions you are interested in, please reach out to your local Dantherm Group representative.

Do you sell dust control systems to private consumers?

No. All Dantherm Group dust control systems included on this website are sold only to industry professionals either directly or via our extensive network of suppliers.

Do you provide support, servicing and parts for your dust control systems?

Yes. We have dedicated offices, suppliers and servicing partners based across Europe to provide timely, ongoing support across our entire range of dust control systems. You can get in touch through our contact form and we will make sure your enquiry is handled by the office or service partner best suited to your needs.

We also have an extensive network of spare parts dealers throughout Europe, who are geared to provide you with a complete stock of spare parts for your dust control systems. We are committed to catering to your needs and getting you the required parts as quickly and easily as possible.

How can I become a supplier to sell your dust control systems?

If you would like to become a supplier of Dantherm Group dust control systems, please refer to our Supplier Code of Conduct.

Get in touch with our team via email or over the phone if you have an enquiry, and we will get back to you at our earliest convenience.

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