How air purifiers reduce hay fever and allergies all year round

5 min read
Heylo Insights Content allergies

Hay fever and allergies are a constant annoyance for many people worldwide, from pollen particles and dust mites to pet dander. Discover how air purifiers work to reduce the amount of irritating pollutants from the air and keep indoor conditions comfortable.

Constant sneezing. Itchy eyes. Runny noses. Shortness of breath.

These are problems that many people across the globe have to contend with all year round due to hay fever and allergies. Particularly during the spring and summer months, a wide variety of microscopic airborne particles can irritate and disorientate people of all ages, and possibly have even more severe outcomes for those with respiratory conditions.

An effective air purifier can play a key role in removing allergens from the air and protecting people from unwelcome reactions. Below, we outline how air purifiers work and let people breathe with confidence.

The impact of hay fever and allergies

Hay fever and similar air-related allergies occur when foreign substances settle around the eyes and in the respiratory tract. When these enter the bloodstream, the immune system kicks in and produces excessive amounts of histamines, which leads to inflammatory reactions.

There are many types of air pollutants that can cause someone to experience this kind of reaction, including:

Air pollutants that can trigger allergies and hayfever like dust, mites, mould spores, animal hair and fumes - Infographic image

Pollen is a particular pain for those who suffer from hay fever, which most commonly affects people during the warmest and most humid times of the year.

All of these foreign particles can enter buildings through open windows on windy days. But even when windows are closed, they are carried in on our clothes, on our skin or through ventilation systems.

This means staying inside can offer little protection from the threats of hay fever and allergies throughout the year, which can lead to several issues:

Health issues and effects of allergies and hayfever on people - Infographic image

For those already suffering from a respiratory condition like asthma, these irritations can sometimes lead to more serious outcomes, such as shortness of breath and tightness in the chest.

With the use of an appropriate, reliable HEPA air purifier, it is possible to remove pollen, pet dander, dust and other microscopic particles from the air and reduce the risk of allergic reactions affecting anyone in any indoor setting.

How can air purifiers combat the impact of hay fever and allergies?

As the name suggests, air purifiers cleanse the air by filtering out all kinds of pollutants from the atmosphere.

These units force air through incredibly fine filters, such as HEPA H14 filters, which remove up to 99.995% of airborne particles measuring 0.3 microns or more, in turn delivering a flow of clean fresh air to desired areas. This makes maintaining healthy indoor air quality an effortless task in practically any environment, from residential homes and apartments, to offices, schools, hospitals and other commercial buildings.

When applied in any of these environments, air purifiers can remove pollen from the air to alleviate peoples’ hay fever symptoms, as well as a wide range of other particles that could set off allergies and aggravate respiratory conditions.

How air purifiers capture, reduce and remove airborne pollutants - Infographic image

What are the best air purifiers for hay fever and allergies?

Not all air purifiers are built to effectively eliminate the causes of hay fever and allergies. In order to properly clean the air of these irritants, you should prioritise a professional, tested device with fully-certified HEPA filters.

An effective air purifier must have powerful filter systems, including at least one HEPA H13 filter, in order to draw in air across a wide space and release clean air back into the room. If you identify an air purifier with the right equipment and filter package, you can greatly reduce the presence of many pollutants and airborne particles.

For example, the Heylo HL 400 delivers multiple stages of filtration to ensure cleaner, healthier indoor air:

Heylo HL 400 air purifiers multiple stages of filtration - Infographic image

It is important to note that not all air purifiers use HEPA filters for air cleaning. Units that opt for cheaper, less viable filters are nowhere near as effective at removing small allergens from indoors. When choosing a purifier to counteract the causes of hay fever and allergies, it is important to prioritise technology using trusted HEPA filters, as this will meet the vast majority of requirements.

Can air purification for allergies and hay fever work on a commercial scale?

Practically any indoor setting can benefit from the presence of an air purifier to create a safer space away from all types of pollen and allergens. However, to appropriately manage public building and office air quality, you should consider the following:

  • Does the maximum air flow of the air purifier cover the area you require?

  • Will you need multiple air purifiers to cover the size of the room or indoor space?

  • How efficient is it in regards to energy consumption?

  • How loud is it, and would this cause a disturbance to people in the room?

  • Is it easy to move around to different rooms/spaces when required?

If you are seeking the ideal air purification solution in your specific circumstances, Heylo is here to help.

Need help choosing the right air purifier?

Good air quality should never be undervalued, and while hay fever and allergies are rarely life-threatening, they cause a big inconvenience to people’s comfort, concentration and happiness.

That’s why Heylo’s powerful range of air purifiers for allergies, hay fever and all types of airborne particles are engineered to protect and manage air quality in many buildings across Europe.

Heylo air purifier product showcase and features of the HL 800 and HL 400 series - Infographic image

All Heylo class H14 HEPA filters are tested according to the European standard EN 1822, verifiable by their label and serial number. We also have performance certificates from the Fraunhofer Institut, Europe's largest application-oriented research organisation, to confirm the effectiveness of our air cleaners.

Discover more about our market-leading range of air purifiers by contacting us on the form below.

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