A new dawn for Master: eco-friendly BioFuel heaters are here

6 min read
Insights Content Bio Fuel

The world is changing. And it’s the responsibility of every business to support a more sustainable future for our planet and everyone on it. For our Master heater range, this means making a huge move to embrace renewable energy sources.

We’re proud to announce that in 2022, Master will introduce a brand new line of heaters compatible with BioFuel HVO 100 and diesel. By 2023, every product we produce will be BioFuel HVO 100 compatible, allowing our customers to choose the fuel they like.

Most existing portable fuel heaters currently use diesel only. But as a company, we recognise that this is damaging our planet as diesel delivers an avoidable excess of CO₂ into the air.

During this transition phase, we will offer kits for those customers that already own a diesel-only heater – meaning they will be able to convert it to accept HVO 100 as well.

There are now multiple BioFuels available that use vegetables as a source of renewable energy. We have carefully reviewed and selected the most ecological fuel HVO 100 to ensure that our new commitment is the most impactful it can possibly be. This fuel is made from 100% biological, and it is obtained through a process of hydrogenation.

Some countries have already taken a strong decision to embrace BioFuel, especially after the announcement at COP26. The UK has already ordered that after March 2022, only HVO 100 will be allowed for use on construction sites. Norway and Sweden are also heading in the same direction. Many other countries will be expected to follow suit.

The benefits of Biofuel HVO 100 diesel

What’s wrong with regular diesel?

Diesel is an extremely stable fuel – it’s not flammable and is safe in many environments – so it has long been the go-to choice for fuel to heat. But it’s made from fossil fuels and its use is dramatically risking the environment, burning CO₂ into the atmosphere.

Many cars are going electric or hybrid to combat this issue, but we can’t use electricity alone for every product that requires power.

That’s why we’ve decided to align our Master heater range with a new generation of eco-friendly fuels that transform agricultural waste into BioFuel HVO 100.

What are the benefits of BioFuel?

The biggest positive of BioFuel is that it marks a significant move in helping the environment and will let us all take a giant leap towards embracing more sustainable fuels. The biodiesel alternative has much lower net CO₂ greenhouse gas emissions – and can significantly reduce your carbon footprint.

While the cost of producing BioFuel is around 10% more than regular diesel, this is probably because adoption is still gradual, and processes haven’t been optimised to be as efficient as they can be.

With more and more governments keen to pursue BioFuel as an alternative, and the long-term usage and benefits being much higher, we are likely to see the processes behind HVO become more cost-efficient quickly, as leaders introduce incentives to encourage others to produce these fuels, widen the market and lower costs.

Biofuel HVO vs Diesel

What is the plan for Master and HVO?

The journey starts at the beginning of next year, when all existing Master heaters can be adapted to accept BioFuel (changes are due to allow the best combustions), and any new ones we manufacture will come with BioFuel compatibility as standard.

We recognise that not everyone is ready to make the jump to BioFuel just yet, which is why we are giving them the opportunity to transition. But our commitment to phasing out regular diesel is serious, and we intend to make the entire range solely compatible with BioFuel by 2023.

Master commitment to responsible products

What does our commitment to the environment look like longer term?

We’re not perfect and we don’t claim to be. The change towards bringing Master heaters to accept BioFuel is a step in the right direction – but we’ve still got a lot of work left to do.

As a company, we are proud to be highly engaged in environmentalism. We’re working on a number of endeavours that are targeting the CO₂ impact of our factories and moving away from diesel on a much bigger scale.

We build products made to last – we source and use only the best components and materials.

We ensure our products last longer – all our spare parts and accessories are available for at least 10 years from product launch to encourage maintenance of the same products and prevent unnecessary re-purchases.

We trust our quality – we offer a 3-year limited warranty on all Master products as standard.

We package responsibly – our packaging allows for optimal space utilisation in trucks and containers so we reduce our transportation footprint. Our materials can be easily recycled – cardboard, paper and styropor.

We help to avoid overheating and overspending – our heaters can be controlled via a remote thermostat, so you can stay in control at all times.

Refining other brands – as well as all the work we’re doing to give Master a new eco-friendly status, we are also working tirelessly to ensure that Heylo and Sovelor will follow suit by 2023. These heaters will run in parallel until the day that only bio heaters will be available. To help the transition we have prepared conversion kits for the existing heaters (which will be sold separately). Dantherm Group is the first company to put this policy into practice.

BioFuel is coming. Are you ready to embrace the change?

Whether you are considering adapting your existing heaters or thinking about your company’s longer-term commitment to sustainability, speak to our expert team for an informative conversation about the technology that can help to get you there.

Reach out to us using the form below and we will be in touch.

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