Explore why evaporative cooling delivers the effective, efficient climate control pharmaceutical settings demand.

Seasoned MBA executive specialised in stationary evaporative cooling solutions for industrial use and more.
Explore why evaporative cooling delivers the effective, efficient climate control pharmaceutical settings demand.
See why evaporative cooling is the ideal climate control solution for the automotive industry.
See how Biocool’s evaporative coolers have been used to great effect in a potato chip manufacturing plant in Barcelona.
Learn why investing in evaporative coolers can save you significantly in the long term.
Why evaporative cooling presents the most efficient, effective way to keep temperatures down in these large spaces.
See the capabilities and benefits of evaporative cooling over alternative methods.
Obtaining optimal climate conditions for employees and products.
Airborne viruses are a threat to our health – how can Biocool help?
Evaporative cooling is key for climate control now and in the future.
Become familiar with the benefits of evaporative cooling over traditional air-conditioning.
Evaporative coolers reduce energy consumption by up to 90% – are they better than air-conditioners?
Winter is coming. Find out how to prepare your evaporative coolers for the cold temperatures ahead.
The multi-purpose power of Biocool’s evaporating cooling systems.
How Biocool solutions are creating cleaner, comfortable environments throughout the education sector.
Achieving sustainability through innovation.
Employing evaporative coolers to protect the health and wellbeing of workers
Be perfectly prepared for the summer with our top maintenance tips