Air exchange rate calculator

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Calculate the desired air exchange rate or room size and select the appropriate Heylo air cleaner.
For the calculation choose the air flow rate of one of our air cleaners. Which filter do you use? M-class or H-class?
Values for the air flow rate:
Air cleaner PF 1000 - free M-class filter = 760m³/h
Air cleaner PF 1000 - free H-class filter = 515m³/h
Air cleaner PF 1400 - free M-class filter = 890m³/h
Air cleaner PF 1400 - free H-class filter = 697m³/h
Air cleaner PF 3500 - free M-class filter = 2,795m³/h
Air cleaner PF 3500 - free H-class filter = 2,420m³/h
Please note that the calculated air exchange rate is only an approximate value.
What is the air change rate?
During construction and renovation work, dust is inevitably produced, which settles on the surfaces and the floor. Other pollutants that are naturally in the air also make the air bad and have a negative impact on health. That is why a regular exchange of air is essential, especially in the areas of construction, industry and trade. This is created with the help of mobile air purifiers.
Air purifiers with the appropriate HEPA filter also achieve an effective separation of aerosols and thus viruses as well as pollen or mold spores in the air.
The air exchange rate indicates how often the air in a room has to be exchanged in order to clean the air and to guarantee the minimum air exchange. The air exchange rate is given in 1/h. However, the number of air changes depends on many factors and can only be roughly determined without a specialist company.
Influencing factors of the air exchange rate
The air exchange rate is determined by experts on the basis of many influencing factors. It is important to know not only the size of the room, but also the type of pollutants. If, for example, complex renovations are carried out in the room, window ventilation is not sufficient due to the high proportion of dust in the air. Basically, the following factors that influence the air exchange must be taken into account:
Room volume and geometry of the room
- Leaks in the building
- Type of pollutants
- Internals
- Number of people
- Number of air purifiers
Room volume and leaks in the building
The most important factor in calculating the air change rate is the size of the room. For the calculation, the volume of the room must be determined in cubic meters. In a smaller room, an air purifier with a corresponding performance is sufficient. Correspondingly powerful devices must be set up during construction work in a large factory hall. However, the number of people and the type of construction work must also be taken into account here. It should also be noted that new, densely built buildings usually let in less outside air than older ones.
During renovation work, dust is released, which not only entails higher cleaning costs, but is also inhaled. For example, when working on old doors that contain lead-white paints, toxic dusts can be released. A lack of ventilation or removal of the dust can have serious health consequences such as acute shortness of breath or asthma. It is therefore important to use air purifiers to purify the air during a refurbishment or renovation. In this way, pollutants are filtered out of the air so that they do not settle in the lungs.
Minimum air exchange
The minimum air change is the air change specified in DIN 1946-6 in order to ensure a hygienic air ratio. Under normal circumstances, this can usually be achieved with burst ventilation. During construction work, however, a construction air purifier is essential to remove the high number of dust and harmful particles. BG Bau recommends a 15-fold air exchange rate for construction dust.
Viruses and bacteria have an easy time of it in rooms where several people are present, for example in classrooms. There, the installation of air purification devices with HEPA filters helps to reduce the concentration of viruses or bacteria to a minimum, so that infection with the influenza or corona virus, for example, is minimized. In this case, a 3 to 5-fold air exchange is recommended.
Air exchange with an air purifier from Heylo
If dust is generated as a result of renovations on a construction site, window ventilation is often not enough to guarantee a complete air exchange. Construction air purifiers are used here to clean and filter the air.
The Heylo air purifiers are available with H-class and M-class filters for construction. The latter have a higher air capacity in contrast to the H-class filters, as the air can pass through these filters more easily. The PowerFilter 1000 model cleans the air with a capacity of 760m³/h with an M-class filter and 515m³/h with an H-class filter. The air output is infinitely adjustable. The device can be used more effectively against odors with an active carbon filter. With ergonomic handles and easy handling, the stackable air purifier is ideal for cleaning the air in small rooms.
The PowerFilter 1400 air cleaner processes the room air with an air output of 890m³/h or 697m³/h, depending on the filter class. Thanks to its ERP conformity, it is highly efficient and also quiet in operation. Its square shape, its weight of only 16kg and the ergonomic handle allow it to be easily stacked and stowed away later. A pre- and main active carbon filter is also available for this model, which neutralizes strong odors.
The PowerFilter 3500 air purifier processes the largest volume of air. The M and H class filters work with a capacity of 2,795m³h and 2,420m³/h respectively. By connecting several hoses, this air cleaner can be used flexibly and is very efficient in operation. This ventilation system is ideal for use in industry, as the device effectively filte/rs pollutants from the air in large rooms. The main and pre-filters are easy to use; the air output is infinitely adjustable.
Are you unsure which construction air purifier is suitable for your construction site? Then let our Heylo experts advise you free of charge!