Sustainability - Dantherm Group company information

Committed to a sustainable future in climate control

Our goal is simple. We want to minimise the environmental impact of our own operations and the industries we serve.

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Our ESG mission

We acknowledge our role in creating a positive change

That is why we are determined to make energy-efficient solutions that benefit both our customers and the environment. We do so while adhering to ethical principles by sourcing materials from responsible suppliers and building and delivering them in the most sustainable way possible. We also work to drive the sustainable agenda in our industries.

Explore the three pillars that guide our approach:

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As leaders in the climate control industry, we have an obligation to catalyse the development of more sustainable products and technologies. Similarly, we expect our vendors to share this approach as we see collaboration across the value chain as a key enabler to reduce our environmental impact.

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Our employees are the single most important asset of our company. Our ambition is to enable all employees to reach their personal ambitions and goals in a corporate culture focusing on diversity, inclusion and development. We also work to promote healthy and safe working environments and fundamental human and labour rights in our supply chain.

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Dantherm Group is a globally operating business, and we are committed to acting fairly and honestly in everything we do. It is of great importance to us to respect all applicable laws and regulations and act as a responsible company at all times, and we expect the same conduct from our partners as well as their subcontractors and suppliers.

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Working with UN Global Compact

Working with UN Global Compact

From reducing environmental risks to upholding labour standards, we are making meaningful differences, guided by key principles derived from:

  • The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  • The International Labour Organisation’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
  • The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development
  • The United Nations Convention Against Corruption
Reducing our carbon footprint

Reducing our carbon footprint

We take a precautionary environmental approach in the countries where we operate, so we can reduce the adverse impact of our operations in every facility.

This means our waste is managed responsibly, energy consumption is minimised, and materials are recycled and reused wherever possible.

Limiting your environmental impact and carbon footprint

Limiting your environmental impact

Through innovative development and production, our solutions are engineered to help our customers operate in a more eco-friendly way.

We place sustainability at the core of every unit, and promote practices that directly reduce companies’ carbon footprints.

Responsible sourcing from suppliers and partners

Responsible sourcing

We consider our suppliers as partners, and closely cooperate with them to ensure they meet our ethical, environmental and sustainability standards.

That is why every vendor we work with signs our Dantherm Group Supplier Code of Conduct, which is based on the SEDEX system to improve global supply chain practices.

Moreover, we are members of EcoVadis, the leading global provider of business sustainability ratings, and we apply the EcoVadis framework to assess the sustainability of our supplier base.


Dantherm Group Code of Conduct

The guidelines that outline ethical standards and expected behaviours within our company.

Dantherm Group Sustainability Report

The report contains an overview of our ESG activities in 2023 and going forward.

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