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Swimming pool air handlers

Dantherm Group swimming pool air handlers are designed to meet the needs of pool facilities at any scale, be they expansive commercial spaces or smaller private facilities. By regulating temperature and humidity, we enable owners worldwide to deliver fresh, clean and comfortable atmospheres year-round. Explore our cutting-edge technology or speak to one of our experts today.

Why choose swimming pool air handling units?

Few environments benefit from comprehensive climate control as much as indoor swimming pools. This is because these wet indoor environments are particularly susceptible to high humidity, as hundreds of liters of water can evaporate from the surface of a pool every hour and linger in the air.

Without a sufficient ventilation system, there is nowhere for this water vapor to go, and conditions inside slowly deteriorate.

Not only does this prove unpleasant for staff and guests, but these unregulated atmospheres can also trigger allergies and asthma, irritate the eyes and skin of swimmers and spread airborne infections with greater ease.

A lack of comprehensive climate control also has the ability to damage and destroy the integrity of the pool hall itself. Chlorine-laden air corrodes metal. Large volumes of moisture seep into materials. Mold develops and spreads.

While swimming pool air handling units operate on the same principle as other industrial AHUs, there are notable differences in how this technology functions that make it optimally suited to withstand these harsh and demanding environments.

Firstly, as pool water is saturated with chlorine, our units use special corrosion-resistant coatings inside and out to ensure they can operate effectively for years to come.

Additionally, as the volume of moisture in the air at any one time can be significant, our specialist ventilation systems are designed specifically to handle large amounts of water vapor.

Maintaining the optimal conditions in a pool hall is often a very energy-intensive and expensive operation. To help keep operating costs as low as possible, our air handling units are designed to operate as efficiently as possible to maximize energy savings.

While these types of units are ideal for indoor swimming pool air handling, there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to efficient climate control. When selecting a system for your scenario, it is crucial to consider factors, such as the outside conditions, the water temperature, the volume of guests, the size of the facility and the surface area of the indoor pool, to name a few.

If you would like to learn more about our range of effective and energy-saving swimming pool ventilation systems, and how we can select the optimal unit for your scenario, get in touch with us today.

Talk team

We believe in climate control built to your specifications

Every solution we deliver starts with a bespoke consultation. Our highly trained experts work to understand your unique requirements so you receive exactly what you need.

Manufactured in-house by our specialist engineers, we tailor solutions that meet your expectations, and instantly connect you with the right supplier.

Reach out to an expert

Need help with choosing the right solution? Our team of over 100 climate control experts can assist.