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Europe’s leading manufacturer of transport and logistics climate control solutions

Transport and logistics disinfection solutions by Dantherm Group

Transport and Logistics Disinfection Solutions

Prioritise passenger safety and cargo sanitation with versatile disinfection equipment.

Discover solutions that keep your vehicles and facilities hygienic at all times

When clients rely on your cleaning service to protect the wellbeing of their passengers, the health of their employees and the integrity of their cargo, you need intelligent solutions to make transport and logistics disinfection faster, simpler and more thorough.

From powerful surface sterilisation equipment to precise disinfection heaters. Find the technology you need to meet regulatory compliance in your partners’ logistics centres, train carriages and other settings in our superior selection. Backed by decades of disinfection expertise and engineered with quality components, see why our technology is the go-to choice for cleaning professionals globally.

Disinfection for buses, trains, boats and aeroplanes

Disinfection for buses, trains, boats and aeroplanes

Unclean vehicles can disrupt traveller comfort, and even make your clients’ drivers and pilots sick. Prioritise the wellbeing of their passengers and personnel with cutting-edge disinfection technology that targets unpleasant odours, dangerous bacteria and invasive pests onboard.

Disinfection for train stations and bus terminals

Disinfection for train stations and bus terminals

From sterilising high-touch ticket machines, to eradicating bed bugs and mites in shared seating areas. Effortlessly achieve your partners’ health standards when you use our wide range of pathogen control.

Disinfection for airports

Disinfection for airports

Bacteria, viruses and pests can compromise the safety of your partners’ shops, restaurants, communal facilities and high-touch machines. Explore our professional disinfection equipment so you can keep their airports clean during even the busiest periods.

Disinfection for ferry terminals

Disinfection for ferry terminals

When unpleasant contaminants and bugs can sap travellers’ satisfaction, your partners need cleaning services they can count on. Use our tried-and-tested disinfection units to clean ferry terminals with unrivalled speed and assurance, and stand out as the cleaning service of choice.

Disinfection for cargo planes, lorries and vans

Disinfection for cargo planes, lorries and vans

Don’t let harmful germs or invasive pests threaten the health of your clients’ delivery drivers or the condition of their cargo. Rely on our powerful microbial eradication equipment to keep their people safe, and their planes, vans and lorries sanitary.

Disinfection for logistic centres

Disinfection for logistic centres

Between the constant flow of products and the close proximity of workers, your customers’ cargo centres can become a hotbed for illness. Keep their environments safe and their logistic operations efficient with disinfection equipment engineered by the European experts.

Disinfection for transport and logistics maintenance crews

Disinfection for transport and logistics maintenance crews

Support the focus and productivity of your clients’ engineers with our trusted lineup of high-quality cleaning and disinfection solutions.

The European leader in transport and logistics disinfection solutions

Whether their trains, boats and various other transport vehicles move people or products, hygiene is essential. Without it, your customers’ train carriages, ferry terminals and logistic centres can become a breeding ground for unpleasant bacteria, pungent odours and intrusive pests.

Improve the efficiency of their transport and logistic operations with easy-to-use, cost-effective disinfection equipment for practically any need. Developed to deliver exceptional sanitation on a timescale your clients can appreciate – the heaters, thermofoggers and ozone units we supply can handle any environment with speed and precision.

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Wierzymy w kontrolę klimatu stworzoną zgodnie z Twoimi specyfikacjami

Każde dostarczane przez nas rozwiązanie rozpoczyna się od indywidualnej konsultacji. Nasi wysoko wykwalifikowani eksperci pracują nad zrozumieniem Twoich unikalnych wymagań, abyś otrzymał dokładnie to, czego potrzebujesz.

Produkujemy urządzenia we własnych fabrykach przy współpracy z naszymi wyspecjalizowanymi inżynierami, jednocześnie dostosowując rozwiązania do Twoich oczekiwań oraz natychmiast łączymy Cię z odpowiednim dostawcą.

Transport and logistics disinfection solutions FAQs

Why are disinfection solutions important in the transport and logistics industry?

Handling hundreds of packages or thousands of commuters every day allows germs to build, odours to spread and bugs to thrive in your partners’ buses, boats and cargo planes.

To improve the health of people and the condition of sensitive cargo, disinfection equipment allows you to deliver the quality cleaning service your clients expect, every time.

What types of disinfection solutions are commonly used in transportation?

There are several different types of solutions you can use to carry out sanitation procedures in your clients’ transport and logistics settings, such as:

  • Thermal disinfection heaters
  • Fogging machines
  • Ozone disinfectors
  • Oxygen generators
  • Odour control units

To understand which system best fits your cleaning responsibilities, speak to our experts.

How do disinfection solutions improve passenger safety and health?

By implementing the right infection control, you can eradicate viruses, odours and common pests like bed bugs and dust mites in aeroplanes, trains and buses. This can have a positive, long-term effect on travellers’ health and wellbeing.

Are your disinfection solutions only used for passenger-related areas?

No – the equipment we sell can handle the rigours of both the transport and logistics industry. This means you can use our market-leading solutions anywhere from cargo planes and logistic centres to bus terminals and fleet workshops.

Can I buy your transport and logistics disinfection equipment online?

We don’t make our professional infection control available to purchase online to ensure that every system we design, manufacture and supply fits your exact requirements. By taking a consultative approach with a highly-trained expert, we make sure that you are only recommended equipment that meets your needs – and fulfils these in the most efficient, cost-effective way possible.

Across all of our products, VAT-registered companies can get a quote very quickly by pressing 'I want to buy' and inserting your enquiry and contact details.

How soon can you supply your logistics and transport industry hygiene control?

This varies on a case-by-case basis. For some standard products, accessories and consumables, we can provide day-to-day delivery. For larger orders or more bespoke sanitation technology, there may be a longer lead time.

By reaching out to our experts we can put you in touch with your nearest local supplier so you can receive the products you require in the most timely manner possible.

Do you sell your transport and logistics dehumidifiers to private consumers?

No. Dantherm Group’s logistics and transport hygiene technology is sold only to professionals directly from our offices, or via our extensive network of distributors.

What support do you offer for your transport and logistics disinfection equipment?

With offices, servicing partners and spare parts suppliers distributed across Europe, we can rapidly respond to any request or issue involving your products. You can learn more about our servicing and spare parts services on our website.

Our professionals are also happy to advise on the most effective way to set up and operate your equipment, so you always get the maximum performance and value from your products.

Dlaczego warto wybrać Dantherm Group w zakresie profesjonalnych rozwiązań do kontroli klimatu?

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Rozwiązania dostosowane do indywidualnych potrzeb.

Jesteśmy więcej niż dostawcami. Nasi eksperci dostosowują nasze rozwiązania w zakresie kontroli klimatu do Twoich wymagań, abyś zawsze uzyskał idealny rezultat - i skontaktują Cię z odpowiednim dostawcą w celu terminowej dostawy.

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Zaprojektowane i skonstruowane w Europie.

Jakość bez kompromisów. Projektujemy i konstruujemy całą naszą technologię do kontroli klimatu w naszych centrach kompetencyjnych w całej Europie, aby zagwarantować urządzenia o niezrównanej użyteczności, niezawodności i wydajności.

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Ogólnoeuropejski zasięg zapewniający najlepsze wsparcie.

Wsparcie, kiedy go potrzebujesz i gdziekolwiek go potrzebujesz. Nasza ogólnoeuropejska sieć biur, partnerów serwisowych i sprzedawców części zamiennych gwarantuje, że wszystko, czego potrzebujesz, dotrze do Ciebie szybko.

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Potrzebujesz pomocy w wyborze odpowiedniego rozwiązania? Nasz zespół składa się z ponad 100 ekspertów w dziedzinie kontroli klimatu.

Transport and logistics insights