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Europe’s leading manufacturer of pharmaceutical and scientific climate control solutions

Pharmaceutical and scientific humidity control and drying solutions by Dantherm Group

Pharmaceutical and scientific humidity control and drying solutions

Maintain the ideal climate with total precision across your facilities.

Professional moisture control to support your operations at any scale

Unbalanced humidity levels affect more than just the quality and safety of your pharmaceuticals. When there is too much or too little water vapour in the air, your facilities can become unhygienic spaces for your personnel to work, your equipment to operate and your processes to succeed.

To help scientific laboratories and pharmaceutical factories run flawlessly year-round, we engineer and supply a wide range of first-class humidity control solutions. Built to the highest standards for unrivalled long-term efficiency, our systems are trusted to protect employees, maintain compliance and preserve products worldwide.

Humidity control and drying for research and development facilities
Humidity control and drying

Humidity control and drying for research and development facilities

When you need to bring a new medicine to market, the right humidity control is essential. Keep your research laboratories focused, your data logging reliable, and your manufacturing processes efficient with smart moisture control solutions from Dantherm Group.

Humidity control and drying for cleanrooms
Humidity control and drying

Humidity control and drying for cleanrooms

Without carefully controlled environmental conditions, even subtle imbalances in humidity levels can jeopardise the people, products and processes within your cleanrooms. Achieve absolute climate stability in these sensitive spaces with our moisture control systems.

Humidity control and drying for quality control labs
Humidity control and drying

Humidity control and drying for quality control labs

Few elements impact the reliability of your quality control and monitoring facilities more than unrestrained humidity levels. Maintain the precise, controlled conditions you need for consistent performance with our highly energy-efficient dehumidifiers.

Humidity control and drying for drug storage
Humidity control and drying

Humidity control and drying for drug storage

Cracked pills. Clumpy powder. Ice formation. Precise humidity control is vital in drug storage to preserve integrity and prevent costly spoilage. That’s why the pharmaceutical industry relies on our systems to safeguard their products’ quality in cold stores, warehouses and more.

Humidity control and drying for active pharmaceutical ingredient manufacturing
Humidity control and drying

Humidity control and drying for active pharmaceutical ingredient manufacturing

From losing active ingredients to the spread of sickness among workers, poorly controlled environments place the health of your people and the quality of your processes at risk. Optimise your pharmaceutical production facilities with our specialist humidity control units.

Humidity control and drying for pharmaceutical drying rooms
Humidity control and drying

Humidity control and drying for pharmaceutical drying rooms

Maintaining the efficacy and quality of hygroscopic materials like powders and pills calls for precise humidity control. With a wide-ranging selection of industrial dryers and dehumidifiers to choose from, speak to our experts for bespoke equipment recommendations for you.

Humidity control and drying for sterile production areas
Humidity control and drying

Humidity control and drying for sterile production areas

Don’t let excessive moisture compromise the hygiene of your production lines. Maintain the strict regulatory compliance your personnel and pharmaceuticals rely on with European-leading humidity control solutions.

Humidity control and drying for pharmaceutical packaging
Humidity control and drying

Humidity control and drying for pharmaceutical packaging

Protect the moisture-sensitive materials that package your medicines and the long-term performance of your machinery. Choose our market-leading range of dehumidifiers for total process stability.

The European leader in pharmaceutical and scientific humidity control and drying solutions

From prioritising the health and productivity of your employees to preserving the quality and consistency of your medicine – keeping humidity levels under control is key to efficient, compliant operations in these high-precision environments.

Designed and built to keep up with the demanding nature of the pharmaceutical industry, we engineer and supply market-leading dehumidifiers that emphasise efficiency and sustainability at their core. With our systems, you maintain the optimal conditions across your entire facility in the most cost-effective way possible.

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Wierzymy w kontrolę klimatu stworzoną zgodnie z Twoimi specyfikacjami

Każde dostarczane przez nas rozwiązanie rozpoczyna się od indywidualnej konsultacji. Nasi wysoko wykwalifikowani eksperci pracują nad zrozumieniem Twoich unikalnych wymagań, abyś otrzymał dokładnie to, czego potrzebujesz.

Produkujemy urządzenia we własnych fabrykach przy współpracy z naszymi wyspecjalizowanymi inżynierami, jednocześnie dostosowując rozwiązania do Twoich oczekiwań oraz natychmiast łączymy Cię z odpowiednim dostawcą.

Pharmaceutical and scientific humidity control and drying solutions FAQs

Why is humidity control important in the pharmaceutical industry?

Humidity control is an important consideration in the pharmaceutical industry because overly low or high levels of moisture can affect practically every part of your operations, from how people work and drugs are manufactured, to the condition of critical machinery.

To keep humidities at safe levels, and in turn better protect your teams’ health, medicines and equipment, the right dehumidifiers are essential everywhere from research laboratories to sterile production lines.

How does humidity affect cleanroom environments in scientific research?

When humidity levels are unbalanced in cleanrooms, mould, corrosion and static discharge can impact the precision and repeatability needed for effective experiments. That is why facilities worldwide depend on our dehumidifiers to keep conditions stable and optimised long-term.

What role do dehumidifiers play in pharmaceutical manufacturing?

As well as keeping staff healthy and machinery operating continuously, dehumidifiers play a central role in the compliant manufacture of pharmaceuticals:

  • Processing raw ingredients into the desired dosage form

  • Protecting the quality of products in storage

  • Ensuring items can be securely packaged

  • Adhering to your industry’s strict manufacturing standards

Are your desiccant dehumidifiers suitable for cold storage in the pharmaceutical industry?

Yes, our desiccant dehumidifiers are suitable for cold storage drying for two key reasons:

  • Our technology can operate both efficiently and effectively in temperatures well below freezing

  • The design of our systems means large volumes of moisture can be removed in a single air pass – ideal for minimising the risk of ice formation

Can humidity control solutions contribute to regulatory compliance in pharmaceutical manufacturing?

Yes. To meet the good manufacturing principle (GMP) guidelines and regulatory standards set out in the pharmaceutical industry, humidity control technology is key. Controlling moisture levels is vital to ensuring the health and wellbeing of workers, as well as the safety and efficacy of medicine.

Can I buy your pharmaceutical and scientific moisture control solutions online?

We don’t make our pharmaceutical and scientific dry air equipment available to purchase online to ensure that every system we design, manufacture and supply fits your exact requirements. By taking a consultative approach with a highly-trained expert, we make sure that you are only recommended equipment that meets your needs – and fulfils these in the most efficient, cost-effective way possible.

Across all of our products, VAT-registered companies can get a quote very quickly by pressing 'I want to buy' and inserting your enquiry and contact details.

How soon can you supply your pharmaceutical and scientific dehumidifiers?

This varies on a case-by-case basis. For some standard products, accessories and consumables, we can provide day-to-day delivery. For larger orders or more bespoke humidity control technology, there may be a longer lead time.

By reaching out to our experts we can put you in touch with your nearest local supplier so you can receive the products you require in the most timely manner possible.

Do you sell pharmaceutical and scientific humidity control solutions to private consumers?

No. Dantherm Group’s dry air equipment is sold only to industry professionals directly from our offices, or via our extensive network of distributors.

What support do you offer for your pharmaceutical and scientific dehumidifiers?

With offices, servicing partners and spare parts suppliers distributed across Europe, we can rapidly respond to any request or issue involving your products. You can learn more about our servicing and spare parts services on our website.

Our professionals are also happy to advise on the most effective way to set up and operate your equipment, so you always get the maximum performance and value from your products.

Dlaczego warto wybrać Dantherm Group w zakresie profesjonalnych rozwiązań do kontroli klimatu?

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Rozwiązania dostosowane do indywidualnych potrzeb.

Jesteśmy więcej niż dostawcami. Nasi eksperci dostosowują nasze rozwiązania w zakresie kontroli klimatu do Twoich wymagań, abyś zawsze uzyskał idealny rezultat - i skontaktują Cię z odpowiednim dostawcą w celu terminowej dostawy.

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Zaprojektowane i skonstruowane w Europie.

Jakość bez kompromisów. Projektujemy i konstruujemy całą naszą technologię do kontroli klimatu w naszych centrach kompetencyjnych w całej Europie, aby zagwarantować urządzenia o niezrównanej użyteczności, niezawodności i wydajności.

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Ogólnoeuropejski zasięg zapewniający najlepsze wsparcie.

Wsparcie, kiedy go potrzebujesz i gdziekolwiek go potrzebujesz. Nasza ogólnoeuropejska sieć biur, partnerów serwisowych i sprzedawców części zamiennych gwarantuje, że wszystko, czego potrzebujesz, dotrze do Ciebie szybko.

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Potrzebujesz pomocy w wyborze odpowiedniego rozwiązania? Nasz zespół składa się z ponad 100 ekspertów w dziedzinie kontroli klimatu.

Pharmaceutical and scientific insights