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Europe’s leading manufacturer of rental climate control solutions

Rental companies cooling solutions by Dantherm Group

Rental Companies Cooling Solutions

Enable your customers to beat the heat with professional rental coolers for your catalogue.

Robust, reliable cooling equipment for any application or emergency

Warm air can quickly become a problem for your clients’ people, processes and technology. When temperatures rise in airports, supermarkets, factories, offices and more, make sure you have the carrier rental systems your partners are looking for.

Engineered with decades of specialist experience, our wide range of industrial coolers and air-conditioning units are built to maintain safe, comfortable conditions when it matters most. Efficient, easy to use and simple to maintain, rental companies trust us to supply hire equipment that performs in all circumstances.

Portable evaporative coolers for rental companies

Portable evaporative coolers for rental companies

Whether event planners need to beat the heat in marquees, or facility managers require cool air in warehouses, our high-performing portable evaporative coolers enable your partners to maintain ideal climates in the most cost-effective way possible.

Portable air-conditioners for rental companies

Portable air-conditioners for rental companies

Office computers. Server racks. Telecom equipment. When high temperatures cause problems, make sure you have the cooling equipment your customers need to protect their essential infrastructure. Provide total environment control with our precise, portable air-conditioning systems.

The European leader in rental company cooling solutions

From packed festivals to busy factories, when warm air builds, the areas and buildings your clients operate in can quickly become hazardous environments to occupy.

Supply the hire equipment your customers depend on to achieve safe, stable and long-lasting comfort. Explore our comprehensive range of high-quality technology, and reliably deliver the cooling needed for practically any scenario.

Backed by decades of expertise, and engineered to be as energy efficient and simple to operate as possible, our sophisticated cool air technology is built to withstand the rigorous demands of the rental market. That is why we are the go-to manufacturer for hire companies worldwide.

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Vi tror på klimakontroll bygget etter dine spesifikasjoner

Alle løsninger vi leverer, starter med en skreddersydd konsultasjon. Våre høyt utdannede eksperter jobber for å forstå dine unike behov, slik at du får akkurat det du trenger.

Vi skreddersyr løsninger som oppfyller dine forventninger, og setter deg umiddelbart i kontakt med den rette leverandøren.

Rental companies cooling solutions FAQs

What types of cooling solutions do you supply for rental companies?

To ensure the rental companies we work with are equipped to handle their clients’ climatic needs, we supply a wide range of portable air-conditioners and evaporative cooling units.

With a comprehensive variety of different designs and technologies available, speak to our experts to discuss which rental solutions are most suitable for your inventory.

Why would a business opt for rental cooling solutions instead of purchasing them?

A business may choose to rent coolers instead of purchasing them if their need for temperature control is only temporary. This might be the case for:

  • Weekend events and multi-day festivals
  • Buildings where long-term temperature control has broken down
  • Facilities susceptible to seasonal peaks in temperatures

Do you supply rental cooling solutions for outdoor events?

Yes. Carrier rental systems such as the BCB 19 and ACD 137 are used by event cooling services to keep atmospheres comfortable for guests, staff and performers.

How do rental companies ensure the quality and reliability of their cooling equipment?

To guarantee the cooling equipment you provide as a rental company exceeds your customers’ expectations for safety, it is important to stock solutions from manufacturers you trust. As a supplier with decades of experience, we are the team to talk to.

Are your rental cooling solutions environmentally friendly?

Yes – at Dantherm Group, we take our environmental responsibility very seriously. Through the use of high-quality components and intelligent engineering, we deliver rental temperature control that features first-class energy efficiency.

Our evaporative cooling equipment in particular is exceptionally eco-friendly. Using nothing but the power of evaporation to cool spaces, our market-leading solutions can help drastically reduce your partners’ carbon footprint.

How are cooling needs assessed for a particular space or event?

To determine the most effective cooler for a particular scenario, our experts consider a variety of factors, such as:

  • The size of a space
  • The number of people inside or out
  • The layout of the environment
  • The surrounding climate

Speak to our informed team to help determine the right hire solutions for your rental catalogue today.

Do you supply emergency cooling solutions for rental companies?

Yes. Units such as the ACT 7 are perfect for cooling emergencies in offices, gyms, kitchens, workshops and more. Thanks to its versatility, compact design and high cooling capacity, this unit is an essential addition for practically any rental company.

Can I buy your rental company temperature control online?

We don’t make our cool air hire solutions available to purchase online to ensure that every solution we design, manufacture and supply fits your exact cooling requirements. By taking a consultative approach with a highly-trained expert, we make sure that you are only recommended equipment that meets your needs – and fulfils these in the most efficient, cost-effective way possible.

Across all of our products, VAT-registered companies can get a quote very quickly by pressing 'I want to buy' and inserting your enquiry and contact details.

How soon can you supply your rental air cooling equipment?

This varies on a case-by-case basis. For some standard products, accessories and consumables, we can provide day-to-day delivery. For larger orders or more bespoke rental company cold air solutions, there may be a longer lead time.

By reaching out to our experts we can put you in touch with your nearest local supplier so you can receive the products you require in the most timely manner possible.

Do you sell rental company cooling technology to private consumers?

No. Dantherm Group’s cool air rental systems are sold only to industry professionals directly from our offices, or via our extensive network of distributors.

What support do you offer for your rental company air cooling solutions?

With offices, servicing partners and spare parts suppliers distributed across Europe, we can rapidly respond to any request or issue involving your products. You can learn more about our servicing and spare parts services on our website.

Our professionals are also happy to advise on the most effective way to set up and operate your equipment, so you always get the maximum performance and value from your products.

Hvorfor velge Dantherm Group for profesjonelle klimaløsninger?

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Skreddersydde løsninger tilpasset etter dine behov.

Vi er mer enn leverandører. Våre eksperter skreddersyr klimakontrolløsningene våre etter dine behov, slik at du alltid får det ideelle resultatet - og setter deg i kontakt med riktig leverandør for levering til rett tid.

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Designet og konstruert i Europa.

Kvalitet uten kompromisser. Vi designer og utvikler all vår klimakontrollteknologi ved våre kompetansesentre over hele Europa for å garantere enheter med uovertruffen brukervennlighet, pålitelighet og effektivitet.

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Europeisk rekkevidde for optimal støtte.

Support når du trenger det, uansett hvor du trenger det. Vårt europeiske nettverk av kontorer, servicepartnere og reservedelsforhandlere sørger for at alt du trenger kommer raskt frem.

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Kontakt en ekspert

Trenger du hjelp til å finne riktig løsning? Vårt team med mer enn 100 klimakontrolleksperter står klare til å hjelpe deg.

Rental companies insights