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Europe’s leading manufacturer of heritage site climate control solutions

Heritage sites humidity control and drying solutions by Dantherm Group

Heritage sites humidity control and drying

Keep moisture levels balanced at all times with powerful humidity management technology.

Protect your heritage sites and artefacts from moisture damage year-round

When overly damp or dry air finds its way into your heritage sites, your culturally significant buildings, one-of-a-kind artefacts and visitors can all suffer. To protect your daily operations from the threat of humidity, you need dedicated, cost-effective moisture control you can depend on.

Historic buildings worldwide rely on our dehumidifiers to carefully balance the amount of moisture in the air through all four seasons. Easy to use, efficient to operate and capable enough for any structure, our technology is responsible for safeguarding some of the most extraordinary sites in Europe and beyond.

Humidity control and drying for castles
Humidity control and drying

Humidity control and drying for castles

The rudimentary construction and aged materials of historic castles make them particularly susceptible to fluctuations in moisture levels. Preserve the heritage of your culturally significant sites for generations with our wide range of market-leading humidity control systems.

Humidity control and drying for historic religious buildings
Humidity control and drying

Humidity control and drying for historic religious buildings

Protect the magnificent tapestries, plasterwork and paintings that adorn your ancient places of worship with our conservation dehumidifiers. Trusted in cultural heritage sites globally, choose our delicate drying solutions to minimise costly, sometimes irreparable damage year-round.

Humidity control and drying for heritage houses
Humidity control and drying

Humidity control and drying for heritage houses

As guests come and go, the moisture they bring causes the structural integrity of sites to weaken, the important artefacts within to wear down, and mould to spread. Our energy-efficient range of portable and fixed moisture control can help you improve the condition and appeal of your sites.

Humidity control and drying for historic ships
Humidity control and drying

Humidity control and drying for historic ships

Centuries on the water or below the waves can seriously weaken the construction of classical ships. To protect their legacy for centuries ahead, explore our humidity regulation equipment and meet the delicate demands of your heritage conservation or restoration project.

Humidity control and drying for listed buildings
Humidity control and drying

Humidity control and drying for listed buildings

Whether you run a culturally significant apartment complex or an old store, our market-leading condensation dehumidifiers enable listed buildings to fulfil their historic role and achieve healthy atmospheres that workers, customers and history lovers can always appreciate.

The European leader in heritage site humidity control and drying solutions

Heritage sites boast centuries of history, but aren’t built to last forever. Accommodating huge crowds of visitors can erode the condition of your buildings, damage priceless exhibits within, and create an unpleasant environment for employees and guests.

Preserve the rich history of your properties for future generations with humidity control technology that takes site conservation, artefact protection and mould prevention to new heights. Powerful enough to keep walls dry during peak season, but gentle enough to avoid damaging aged materials, our units lead the way in versatility, reliability and cost-effectiveness.

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Proponiamo un controllo climatico progettato su misura per voi

Ogni soluzione che forniamo inizia con una consulenza su misura. I nostri esperti, altamente qualificati, si impegnano a soddisfare le vostre esigenze specifiche, in modo che possiate ricevere esattamente ciò di cui avete bisogno.

Realizzate internamente dai nostri ingegneri specializzati, personalizziamo le soluzioni che soddisfano le vostre aspettative e vi mettiamo immediatamente in contatto con il fornitore.

Heritage sites humidity control and drying solutions FAQs

Why is humidity control important for heritage sites?

As people come and go, seasons change, and moisture finds its way inside your aged buildings, the environments inside can become unstable. This does more than affect the comfort of your employees and visitors – it can dramatically impact the future of your sites and the artefacts within.

Whether you must address overly damp air that allows mould to thrive and decorative plasterwork to spoil, or prevent dry air from irritating people’s skin and destroying important artwork. Humidity control is essential in preserving your building’s heritage for generations to come.

What types of humidity control solutions are commonly used in heritage sites?

To maintain a stable humidity level across all corners of their property, heritage sites typically rely on condensation dehumidifiers for their gentle approach to drying.

As a manufacturer with a wide selection of water vapour control units, we can help you select the ideal solution for your site. Speak to our team today to begin your free consultation.

How do humidity control solutions benefit preservation efforts in heritage sites?

Aside from protecting the condition of age-old structures, humidity control solutions benefit heritage preservation by:

  • Minimising costly, sometimes irreparable damage

  • Creating a more comfortable environment for guests and employees

  • Protecting the condition of historic artwork, artefacts and furniture

  • Minimising energy consumption, reducing the reliance on indoor heating

Can your humidity control solutions prevent mould growth in historic buildings?

Yes, all our condensation dehumidifiers – such as the DH 105 S, CDF 10 and SD 400C – can capture and remove unwanted moisture from the air, halting the spread of mould.

Are your dehumidifiers safe to use around sensitive artefacts and documents?

Yes. Heritage sites all over the globe count on our moisture control to protect their buildings, as well as the fragile artefacts, documents and artwork they exhibit inside.

How do your humidity control solutions contribute to energy efficiency in heritage sites?

In the past, many heritage sites relied on heaters to prevent condensation on walls, exhibits and ceilings. While this was often effective, controlling temperatures across a large historic house or castle was incredibly costly.

To keep energy bills down and water damage to a minimum, dehumidifiers are a more efficient option as they physically remove excess water vapour from the air. Combined with our gold-standard energy efficiency, the condensation dehumidifiers we sell help achieve the ideal conditions for visitors and conservators in the most economical way possible.

Talk to our expert team to discuss your requirements, and we can help you obtain humidity control that significantly reduces your energy consumption and running costs.

Can your humidity control solutions meet the specific needs of my heritage sites?

Yes. By taking a consultative approach to your requirements, we can recommend solutions that meet the exact demands of your classical building, whatever its size.

Can I buy your humidity control systems for heritage sites online?

We don’t make our heritage site moisture control available to purchase online to ensure that every system we design, manufacture and supply fits your exact requirements. By taking a consultative approach with a highly-trained expert, we make sure that you are only recommended equipment that meets your needs – and fulfils these in the most efficient, cost-effective way possible.

Across all of our products, VAT-registered companies can get a quote very quickly by pressing 'I want to buy' and inserting your enquiry and contact details.

How soon can you supply your dehumidifiers to heritage sites?

This varies on a case-by-case basis. For some standard products, accessories and consumables, we can provide day-to-day delivery. For larger orders or more bespoke drying equipment, there may be a longer lead time.

By reaching out to our experts we can put you in touch with your nearest local supplier so you can receive the products you require in the most timely manner possible.

Do you sell your heritage site humidity regulation solutions to private consumers?

No. Dantherm Group’s wide range of condensation dehumidifiers for heritage sites are only sold to industry professionals directly from our offices, or via our extensive network of distributors.

What support do you offer for your heritage site dehumidifiers?

With offices, servicing partners and spare parts suppliers distributed across Europe, we can rapidly respond to any request or issue involving your products. You can learn more about our servicing and spare parts services on our website.

Our professionals are also happy to advise on the most effective way to set up and operate your equipment, so you always get the maximum performance and value from your products.

Perché scegliere Dantherm Group come fornitore di soluzioni climatiche professionali?

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Soluzioni su misura costruite in base alle vostre esigenze.

Siamo più che fornitori. I nostri esperti personalizzano le soluzioni di climatizzazione in base alle vostre esigenze, in modo da ottenere sempre il risultato ideale, mettendovi in contatto con il fornitore giusto per una rapida consegna.

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Soluzioni disegnate e progettate in Europa.

Qualità senza compromessi. Progettiamo e sviluppiamo le nostre soluzioni di climatizzazione nei nostri centri di competenza in tutta Europa, per garantire praticità, affidabilità ed efficienza senza pari.

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Presenza europea per un' assistenza ottimale.

Assistenza dove e quando occorre. La nostra rete europea di uffici, partner di assistenza e rivenditori di ricambi garantisce la rapida consegna di tutto ciò di cui avete bisogno.

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Contatta un esperto

Hai bisogno di aiuto per scegliere la soluzione giusta? Il nostro team di oltre 100 esperti di controllo del clima può aiutarti.

Heritage site insights