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Europe’s leading manufacturer of automotive climate control solutions

Automotive disinfection solutions by Dantherm Group

Automotive disinfection solutions

Market-leading infection control engineered for the demands of the automotive industry.

Neutralise pests and germs in any automotive facility with total confidence

Without the right disinfection solutions in place, you know that the wellbeing of workers, the comfort of buyers and the progress of projects can all be compromised. To keep you and your partners’ operations running flawlessly, you need highly capable sanitation equipment.

Whether you require thermal disinfection in workshops, disinfection sprayers for showrooms, or touchpoint sanitisation in vehicles, our first-class range of systems is trusted by cleaning companies and their automotive partners all over the world. Engineered with the highest quality components and decades of expertise, discover the units that keep the automotive industry clean and healthy.

Disinfection for automotive factories

Disinfection for automotive factories

Without the right hygiene equipment and disinfection protocols, harmful bacteria and invasive pests can spread through your clients’ factories. Reduce the risk of illnesses spreading and products deteriorating with our professional high-powered disinfection equipment.

Disinfection for vehicle assembly lines

Disinfection for vehicle assembly lines

Don’t leave the hygiene of your partners’ assembly lines to chance. Depend on our powerful, portable and eco-friendly car disinfection equipment to tackle even the most aggressive bacteria and odours.

Disinfection for dealerships and car showrooms

Disinfection for dealerships and car showrooms

From odour control in used vehicles, to disinfection foggers for dealerships. Find the solutions your cleaning company needs to meet the hygiene and safety protocols in vehicle showrooms of all sizes and scales.

Disinfection for garages and workshops

Disinfection for garages and workshops

Shared tools. Communal equipment. Busy environments. Garages can become a hotbed for pests and bacteria that harm staff and derail projects. Speak to our team about acquiring disinfection solutions that effortlessly meet your customers’ hygiene requirements.

Disinfection for hire car companies

Disinfection for hire car companies

Ensure every vehicle you hire out is both fresh and comfortable. Use our thorough upholstery cleaning and disinfection equipment to rapidly remove unpleasant germs, bugs and odours when vehicles are back at base.

Disinfection for automotive shows and exhibitions

Disinfection for automotive shows and exhibitions

If you’re responsible for maintaining cleanliness across packed automotive shows, our European-leading disinfection equipment can help you sanitise high-touch surfaces and busy spaces with total effectiveness.

Disinfection for vehicle valeting services

Disinfection for vehicle valeting services

You understand your customers expect not only a clean-looking car, but also a fresh-feeling one. Effortlessly achieve the hygiene standards they demand every time with our superior vehicle interior sanitisation and ozone disinfection technology.

The European leader in automotive disinfection solutions

When bacteria, bugs or bad odours infest automotive buildings, people’s health falls, worker productivity plummets, and timelines spiral out of control. Eradicate viruses, insects and foul smells with our European-leading disinfection solutions.

Delivering the best in chemical and thermal sanitation, our comprehensive selection of devices helps you maximise site safety and keep your clients productive. Characterised by world-class energy efficiency, portability and ease of use, our technology makes your automotive partners’ environments safe, without sacrificing your bottom line.

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Proponiamo un controllo climatico progettato su misura per voi

Ogni soluzione che forniamo inizia con una consulenza su misura. I nostri esperti, altamente qualificati, si impegnano a soddisfare le vostre esigenze specifiche, in modo che possiate ricevere esattamente ciò di cui avete bisogno.

Realizzate internamente dai nostri ingegneri specializzati, personalizziamo le soluzioni che soddisfano le vostre aspettative e vi mettiamo immediatamente in contatto con il fornitore.

Automotive disinfection solutions FAQs

Why is disinfection important in the automotive industry?

Automotive environments can become saturated with high levels of germs, pests and foul odours if they are not regularly sanitised. This not only threatens the health of workers, but also the quality of processes and the efficiency of operations.

To ensure your partners’ workshops, dealerships, factories and other facilities remain health and safety compliant, it is important to clean surfaces thoroughly with high-power disinfection solutions.

What types of disinfection solutions are used in the automotive industry?

We supply a wide range of effective virus control technology for use in automotive facilities worldwide, including:

  • Thermal disinfection heaters

  • Disinfection foggers

  • ULV and pump sprayers

  • Ozone disinfectors

  • Oxygen regenerators

  • Odour neutralisers

To help you determine which solution is best for your specific requirements, speak to our professionals.

How often should automotive facilities be disinfected?

This depends. For high-touch surfaces in an automotive factory or workshop, it is recommended to disinfect these at least twice per day. Other high-use objects, like tools and machinery, may benefit from being cleaned after every use.

Less intense buildings like dealerships can be disinfected every week or two, while hire cars should be sanitised after they are returned.

To help you find the right cleaning systems for your specific safety protocols, talk to our experts.

How do your thermal disinfection heaters disinfect automotive tools?

To sanitise automotive tools, the thermal disinfection heaters we supply deliver a steady flow of hot air above 45°C – enough to destroy lingering bacteria.

This makes thermal heaters great at disinfecting frequently used objects, as well as neutralising invasive bugs and bacteria in the wider environment.

How can auto dealerships ensure their showrooms are properly disinfected?

To ensure your clients’ showrooms are properly disinfected, it is important to set out strict disinfection protocols and uphold them with solutions supplied by a manufacturer you trust.

Whether you need ozone disinfection for cars, non-toxic disinfectants for chemical foggers, or thermal heaters to handle pests, our technology is used in dealerships, rental companies, garages and factories all over the world. Speak to our team about acquiring the right solution for you.

Can I buy your disinfection technology for the automotive industry online?

We don’t make our highly effective virus control equipment available to purchase online to ensure that every system we supply accommodates you or your clients’ industry hygiene standards. By taking a consultative approach with a highly-trained expert, we make sure that you are only recommended equipment that meets your needs – and fulfils these in the most efficient, cost-effective way possible.

Across all of our products, VAT-registered companies can get a quote very quickly by pressing 'I want to buy' and inserting your enquiry and contact details.

How soon can you supply your automotive disinfection technology?

This varies on a case-by-case basis. For some standard products, accessories and consumables, we can provide day-to-day delivery. For larger orders or more bespoke surface disinfection and odour neutralisation systems, there may be a longer lead time.

By reaching out to our experts we can put you in touch with your nearest local supplier so you can receive the products you require in the most timely manner possible.

Do you sell your automotive cleaning and disinfection units to private consumers?

No. Dantherm Group’s contaminated surface cleaning solutions are only sold to industry professionals directly from our offices, or via our extensive network of distributors.

What support do you offer for your automotive disinfection solutions?

With offices, servicing partners and spare parts suppliers distributed across Europe, we can rapidly respond to any request or issue involving your products. You can learn more about our servicing and spare parts services on our website.

Our professionals are also happy to advise on the most effective way to set up and operate your equipment, so you always get the maximum long-term performance and value from your products.

Perché scegliere Dantherm Group come fornitore di soluzioni climatiche professionali?

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Soluzioni su misura costruite in base alle vostre esigenze.

Siamo più che fornitori. I nostri esperti personalizzano le soluzioni di climatizzazione in base alle vostre esigenze, in modo da ottenere sempre il risultato ideale, mettendovi in contatto con il fornitore giusto per una rapida consegna.

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Soluzioni disegnate e progettate in Europa.

Qualità senza compromessi. Progettiamo e sviluppiamo le nostre soluzioni di climatizzazione nei nostri centri di competenza in tutta Europa, per garantire praticità, affidabilità ed efficienza senza pari.

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Presenza europea per un' assistenza ottimale.

Assistenza dove e quando occorre. La nostra rete europea di uffici, partner di assistenza e rivenditori di ricambi garantisce la rapida consegna di tutto ciò di cui avete bisogno.

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Contatta un esperto

Hai bisogno di aiuto per scegliere la soluzione giusta? Il nostro team di oltre 100 esperti di controllo del clima può aiutarti.

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