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Europe’s leading manufacturer of emergency service climate control solutions

Emergency services heating solutions by Dantherm Group

Emergency Services Heating Solutions

Robust, fast-to-deploy temperature control suited for any emergency.

Operate effectively in the coldest climates with trusted emergency heaters

Responding to accidents in winter. Conducting nighttime search operations. Sheltering people after a flood. Whatever kind of emergency your unit faces, it is important to have heating systems you can depend on when and where required.

Engineered through decades of experience and designed with durability, flexibility and efficiency at its core, our superior warm air technology is used by emergency services worldwide. With an expansive range to choose from, we are the team you can turn to for heaters of any type or size.

Heating for fire crews

Heating for fire crews

When lives are on the line, emergency preparedness matters. That is why fire crews and other rapid response units count on our energy-efficient heaters to keep their staff comfortable, their equipment dry, and their vehicles free from frost, day or night.

Heating for coastguard stations

Heating for coastguard stations

Whether you want to speed up the drying of wet clothes, or keep your personnel warm after operations in bad weather conditions. Overcome the cold with absolute reassurance with our wide range of emergency response heating solutions.

Heating for healthcare services

Heating for healthcare services

Ensure your medical teams can deliver life-saving care with emergency heaters you can always trust. Powerful, portable and able to deliver rapid thermal comfort, our technology is used by ambulance services, paramedics and more worldwide.

Heating for emergency rescue shelters

Heating for emergency rescue shelters

Floods. Earthquakes. Hurricanes. Whatever crisis has emerged, make sure those displaced have somewhere warm to rest. Explore our selection of emergency heaters and discover why our solutions are the preferred choice for first responders globally.

Heating for police and forensic tents

Heating for police and forensic tents

From keeping police personnel comfortable and focused in cold weather operations, to protecting crucial evidence from bitter climates. Our emergency heating solutions are rugged, reliable and powerful, making them ideal for winter weather.

The European leader in emergency services heating solutions

Cold weather is a threat not only to your personnel, but also to the reliability of your life-saving equipment, the integrity of your evidence, and the wellbeing of those in need. That’s why high-performance heating is a necessity for practically any emergency service. 

With a range of warm air technology available – all regarded for their outstanding flexibility, impressive cost-effectiveness and robust durability – you can always depend on our heaters when temperatures drop. Fast to deploy, easy to use, and simple to maintain, the solutions we sell are equipped to assist in any crisis.

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Proponiamo un controllo climatico progettato su misura per voi

Ogni soluzione che forniamo inizia con una consulenza su misura. I nostri esperti, altamente qualificati, si impegnano a soddisfare le vostre esigenze specifiche, in modo che possiate ricevere esattamente ciò di cui avete bisogno.

Realizzate internamente dai nostri ingegneri specializzati, personalizziamo le soluzioni che soddisfano le vostre aspettative e vi mettiamo immediatamente in contatto con il fornitore.

Emergency services heating solutions FAQs

Why are heating solutions important for emergency services?

Life-threatening emergencies can happen at any time, anywhere. To ensure your service is equipped to help, even if a call comes in during the coldest night of the year, it is impossible to overstate the importance of robust and reliable heaters.

Whether you have to keep your first responders comfortable in the field, your critical equipment in good working order, or those on the receiving end of your support safe from the elements. Talk to our experienced team for tailored advice on choosing your ideal solution.

What types of heating solutions are commonly used by emergency services?

To create comfortable conditions in emergency shelters, fire stations, healthcare settings and more, a wide selection of heating solutions can be used, including:

  • Direct-fired heaters
  • Indirect-fired heaters
  • Electric heaters
  • Infrared heaters

As a manufacturer of all these units, speak to our experts to discuss the most fitting options for your requirements.

How do heating solutions benefit emergency responders?

Having the right heating solutions at your base of operations ensures staff stay comfortable and focused. It also helps dry protective equipment faster and prevent moisture or frost forming on critical apparatus. This all helps to improve the emergency preparedness of your service.

Furthermore, when tackling emergencies on-site, maintaining ideal temperatures allows first responders to concentrate on delivering life-saving care to others. This results in improved outcomes for your people and those they assist.

Can your heating solutions be used in outdoor environments?

Yes, many of the direct-fired and infrared emergency heating solutions we supply – such as the DS 65 T and DC 61 – are equipped to provide warm air outdoors rapidly. This makes them ideal for a variety of emergencies and services.

How do heating solutions contribute to patient care in emergency medical settings?

Whether someone’s had a serious injury that has sent them into shock, been exposed to cold temperatures for a prolonged period, or is at risk of hypothermia. The capacity to provide warm air quickly can be the difference between a good outcome and a bad one.

As a supplier with decades of experience providing temperature control to ambulance crews and field hospitals worldwide, we are the team to talk to for your emergency heating needs.

Do you sell heating solutions that can be used in temporary shelters or evacuation centres?

Yes. We supply a comprehensive selection of electric heaters and indirect-fired systems that can create safe, hospitable emergency shelters quickly.

For large-scale buildings, indirect heaters like the BV 290 and AIR-BUS BV 691 TR are well equipped. For smaller shelters and structures, our B 3PTC and RS 40 electric heaters are ideal.

With an expansive selection of heating equipment available, speak to our experts to discuss solutions for your service.

Can I buy your emergency service heating solutions online?

We don’t make our temperature management units available to purchase online to ensure that every solution we design, manufacture and supply fits your exact heating requirements. By taking a consultative approach with a highly-trained expert, we make sure that you are only recommended equipment that meets your needs – and fulfils these in the most efficient, cost-effective way possible.

Across all of our products, VAT-registered companies can get a quote very quickly by pressing 'I want to buy' and inserting your enquiry and contact details.

How soon can you supply your emergency heating equipment?

This varies on a case-by-case basis. For some standard products, accessories and consumables, we can provide day-to-day delivery. For larger orders or more bespoke warm air solutions, there may be a longer lead time.

By reaching out to our experts we can put you in touch with your nearest local supplier so you can receive the products you require in the most timely manner possible.

Do you sell your emergency service heating solutions to private consumers?

No. Dantherm Group’s full range of heaters are sold only to emergency service providers directly from our offices, or via our extensive network of distributors.

What support do you offer for your emergency service heating solutions?

With offices, servicing partners and spare parts suppliers distributed across Europe, we can rapidly respond to any request or issue involving your products. You can learn more about our servicing and spare parts services on our website.

Our professionals are also happy to advise on the most effective way to set up and operate your equipment, so you always get the maximum performance and value from your products.

Perché scegliere Dantherm Group come fornitore di soluzioni climatiche professionali?

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Soluzioni su misura costruite in base alle vostre esigenze.

Siamo più che fornitori. I nostri esperti personalizzano le soluzioni di climatizzazione in base alle vostre esigenze, in modo da ottenere sempre il risultato ideale, mettendovi in contatto con il fornitore giusto per una rapida consegna.

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Soluzioni disegnate e progettate in Europa.

Qualità senza compromessi. Progettiamo e sviluppiamo le nostre soluzioni di climatizzazione nei nostri centri di competenza in tutta Europa, per garantire praticità, affidabilità ed efficienza senza pari.

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Presenza europea per un' assistenza ottimale.

Assistenza dove e quando occorre. La nostra rete europea di uffici, partner di assistenza e rivenditori di ricambi garantisce la rapida consegna di tutto ciò di cui avete bisogno.

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Contatta un esperto

Hai bisogno di aiuto per scegliere la soluzione giusta? Il nostro team di oltre 100 esperti di controllo del clima può aiutarti.

Emergency services insights

Insights Master BLM construction site

I soffiatori e i ventilatori professionali sono strumenti essenziali per la ventilazione in molte situazioni, ad esempio nei cantieri edili e nelle aree di produzione in cui sono presenti polveri e altre particelle sospese nell'aria. Leggete questo articolo e scoprite dove usarli e come farlo nel modo giusto.

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