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Europe’s leading manufacturer of industrial climate control solutions

Industrial, factories and production ventilation solutions by Dantherm Group

Industrial ventilation for factories and production

Ventilation systems that maintain the conditions your people, products and processes rely on every day.

Circulate the clean air your industrial operations demand year-round

You know that clean, fresh air is essential for your staff on the ground and the critical equipment they use, as well as the processes and products you depend on. But over time airborne bacteria, dust and mould can threaten the efficiency of your operations.

Intelligent axial ventilators. Powerful professional fans. Energy-efficient destratifiers. Count on our superior engineering and high-performance factory and production ventilation to optimise conditions inside your facilities, no matter what you produce.

Ventilation for industrial buildings and spaces

Ventilation for industrial buildings and spaces

Airborne pollutants that build indoors can send the condition of your facilities into decline. Address carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and dust head on, and stop corrosion, clogging, and electric damage in its tracks. Explore industrial fans, commercial blowers and factory ventilation from the European experts.

Ventilation for factories

Ventilation for factories

Poor quality electronics. Hazy panes of glass. Imprecise instruments. When poor indoor air quality takes hold, the standard of your products suffers. Deliver goods to a new degree of excellence with our extensive range of industrial ventilation systems.

Ventilation for factory workforces

Ventilation for factory workforces

Your people power your operations, but dusty, toxic and stale conditions threaten the wellbeing of teams on the ground. Deploy trusted space ventilation solutions to fulfil your health and safety obligations and empower your employees to work better.

Ventilation for plant rooms

Ventilation for plant rooms

Much like your people, the critical equipment at the core of your facilities needs fresh air to function. Without it, pollutants damage wiring, block air intakes, and send repair costs soaring. Safeguard your plant machinery with our collection of precise ventilation controls and durable exhaust systems.

Ventilation for production facilities

Ventilation for production facilities

Sawing. Welding. Grinding. Cutting. Whether you’re a metal fabricating facility or a woodworking shop, your processes release particles that contaminate the air. Optimise your workspaces for the benefit of your people, processes, equipment and products with our easy-to-install ventilation solutions.

The European leader in industrial ventilation for factories and production sites

Exhaust fumes from delivery vehicles. Airborne pollutants from manufacturing processes. Toxic solvents from handling chemicals. To overcome these immense challenges, you need capable ventilation to maintain safe, productive environments for all.

From powerful air handling units and blowers, to professional fans and destratifiers. Production sites and factory managers have trusted Dantherm Group’s technology to generate the clean air movement their operations depend on day in, day out.

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Proponiamo un controllo climatico progettato su misura per voi

Ogni soluzione che forniamo inizia con una consulenza su misura. I nostri esperti, altamente qualificati, si impegnano a soddisfare le vostre esigenze specifiche, in modo che possiate ricevere esattamente ciò di cui avete bisogno.

Realizzate internamente dai nostri ingegneri specializzati, personalizziamo le soluzioni che soddisfano le vostre aspettative e vi mettiamo immediatamente in contatto con il fornitore.

Industrial ventilation for factories and production site FAQs

Why is industrial ventilation important in factories and production facilities?

As your people work and your equipment runs, unwanted particles saturate your workspaces. Without intervention, this can affect practically every area of your operations.

Professional industrial ventilation maintains ideal conditions by circulating clean air through your production halls and factory floors:

  • Protecting the health and productivity of your staff
  • Preserving the condition of your essential machinery
  • Boosting the efficiency of your vital processes
  • Benefiting the quality of your products
  • Helping you fulfil your mandatory health and safety commitments

What types of pollutants are typically controlled by industrial ventilation systems?

Depending on what you manufacture and the processes you use, industrial ventilation systems can help you manage common airborne contaminants such as:

  • Mould spores
  • VOCs
  • Wood dust
  • Metallic dust
  • Mineral dust
  • Solvents

How does local exhaust ventilation differ from general ventilation?

To reduce the spread of harmful contaminants, local exhaust ventilation (LEV) captures pollutants at the source. General ventilation, on the other hand, dilutes particles by introducing clean air to a space.

As European experts in industrial ventilation systems, our comprehensive range offers both general and local exhaust ventilation systems. From ducted professional blowers, to portable powerful fans, trust us to deliver the exact solutions you need.

Can your industrial ventilation solutions help reduce odours in factories and production facilities?

Yes. By circulating fresh air, or extracting pungent odours at the source, industrial ventilation solutions can eliminate unpleasant smells inside your factories and production facilities.

Are there specific regulations and standards for industrial ventilation in factories?

Yes. Although health and safety standards may vary from region to region, many countries expect employers to provide a sufficient amount of purified air to their workers.

Can your industrial ventilation solutions be tailored to specific production processes?

Yes. We understand that no two production sites will have the same climatic needs. That is why we take a consultative approach to fully understand your needs, and tailor the recommendations we make around these.

Can I buy your industrial ventilation solutions online?

We don’t make our industrial ventilation available to purchase online to ensure that every system we design, manufacture and supply fits your exact requirements. By taking a consultative approach with a highly-trained expert, we make sure that you are only recommended equipment that meets your needs – and fulfils these in the most efficient, cost-effective way possible.

Across all of our products, VAT-registered companies can get a quote very quickly by pressing 'I want to buy' and inserting your enquiry and contact details.

How soon can you supply your industrial ventilation systems?

This varies on a case-by-case basis. For some standard products, accessories and consumables, we can provide day-to-day delivery. For larger orders or more bespoke industrial ventilation technology, there may be a longer lead time.

By reaching out to our experts we can put you in touch with your nearest local supplier so you can receive the products you require in the most timely manner possible.

Do you sell industrial ventilation solutions to private consumers?

No. Dantherm Group’s industrial ventilation systems are sold only to industry professionals directly from our offices, or via our extensive network of distributors.

What support do you offer for your industrial ventilation solutions?

With offices, servicing partners and spare parts suppliers distributed across Europe, we can rapidly respond to any request or issue involving your products. You can learn more about our servicing and spare parts services on our website.

Our professionals are also happy to advise on the most effective way to set up and operate your equipment, so you always get the maximum performance and value from your products.

Perché scegliere Dantherm Group come fornitore di soluzioni climatiche professionali?

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Soluzioni su misura costruite in base alle vostre esigenze.

Siamo più che fornitori. I nostri esperti personalizzano le soluzioni di climatizzazione in base alle vostre esigenze, in modo da ottenere sempre il risultato ideale, mettendovi in contatto con il fornitore giusto per una rapida consegna.

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Soluzioni disegnate e progettate in Europa.

Qualità senza compromessi. Progettiamo e sviluppiamo le nostre soluzioni di climatizzazione nei nostri centri di competenza in tutta Europa, per garantire praticità, affidabilità ed efficienza senza pari.

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Presenza europea per un' assistenza ottimale.

Assistenza dove e quando occorre. La nostra rete europea di uffici, partner di assistenza e rivenditori di ricambi garantisce la rapida consegna di tutto ciò di cui avete bisogno.

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Contatta un esperto

Hai bisogno di aiuto per scegliere la soluzione giusta? Il nostro team di oltre 100 esperti di controllo del clima può aiutarti.

Industrial, factories and production insights