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Measurement technology

By using leakage locating systems and versatile measuring devices, even hidden defects can be detected at an early stage and the causes for excessive moisture can be found, and the condition of the building can be documented. Fields of application include leakage locating, measuring building moisture, indoor climate and air quality because of water damage and drying out new buildings.

Why choose measurement technology?

Microscopic changes in materials and other objects are difficult to detect, but can have notable impacts on everyday life.

High moisture levels make inside spaces uncomfortable to inhabit. Damp building materials are unsuitable for use on construction sites. Grain and other perishables that fail to meet certain standards cannot be used in food manufacturing; the list goes on.

But, before work can begin to address the source of these problems, it is vital to first gauge the scope of the issue.

Measurement technology, such as wood moisture meters and thermo-hygrometers assess the volume of moisture content indoors, conduct home inspections and gather accurate measurements in agricultural settings.

The right measuring device is an essential part of any professional toolkit. As climate control experts in our own right, we produce a wide range of accurate and dependable measurement technology for multiple industries:

  • Digital moisture meters for detecting moisture within materials
  • Hygrometers for documenting relative humidity and air temperatures inside
  • Measuring devices for assessing the temperature and moisture condition of crops
  • All-in-one diagnosis devices for room climate measurement

To learn more about our range of measuring devices, and which solution is best for you, get in touch with our expert team today.

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