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Disinfection units

Our full range of disinfection units and odour neutralization solutions stand out for their eco-friendly design, easy installation, intuitive operation, and cost-efficiency. They are ideal for homes, hotels, hostels, hospitals, aeroplanes, trains, ambulances, bakeries, animal farms, antiques, containers, prisons, restaurants and more. Discover our range of commercial disinfection units and odour neutralization products and speak to an expert today.

Why choose disinfection units?

Sanitisation and disinfection are both important aspects of keeping workplaces and guest destinations clean and safe, but there are key differences in these terms.

Sanitisation refers to the process of eradicating bacteria, such as mould, on surfaces and in the air to keep levels within safe parameters. Disinfection, on the other hand, eliminates bacteria as well as viruses, such as SARS-CoV-2, to make areas much healthier and safer to occupy.

Manually keeping spaces disinfected and free from bacteria and virus particles is a difficult job. As people breathe out, cough and touch surfaces, countless microorganisms linger in the air and settle on surfaces, increasing the spread of infection and illness over time.

To keep these unwanted bacteria and virus particles at bay, an industrial disinfection unit is a powerful asset for any business or building. There are two common forms of disinfection systems: UV disinfection and room foggers.

UV disinfection utilises the power of ultraviolet radiation as a form of water treatment to target and destroy microorganisms, such as legionella, within air disinfection units. These types of sterilisation units are advantageous because:

  • UV disinfection is a chemical-free process, maximising guest and worker safety
  • Applying ultraviolet radiation is very effective and energy-efficient
  • Maintenance is minimal, as there are no moving parts within these units

Room foggers are another type of disinfection system that nebulises chemicals and spreads them throughout the indoor atmosphere by way of mist. Often used as a dedicated cleaning unit, these systems are beneficial because:

  • They allow operators to disinfect specific surfaces and equipment
  • The fine mist is exceptionally good at disinfecting large spaces quickly
  • Room foggers can access and clean hard-to-reach areas

To learn more about all of our different types of sterilisation units and emergency disinfection systems, speak to our expert team today.
With our decades of expertise, we can help you select the optimal unit to keep your spaces healthy and safe.

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We believe in climate control built to your specifications

Every solution we deliver starts with a bespoke consultation. Our highly trained experts work to understand your unique requirements so you receive exactly what you need.

Manufactured in-house by our specialist engineers, we tailor solutions that meet your expectations, and instantly connect you with the right supplier.

Disinfection units: Featured Insights
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