Bygningsejere, arkitekter og HVAC-specialister vil drage fordel af kvaliteten, effektiviteten, holdbarheden og et hurtigt investeringsafkast som følge af vores installerede og transportable ventilationssystemer. Fra enkle ventilatorer til ventilationsanlæg til boliger, erhvervsområder og svømmehaller. Oplev vores produkter og løsninger til kommerciel ventilation. Tal med en ekspert i dag.
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Why choose ventilation units?
Good air quality is crucial to a comfortable, healthy environment. Contaminated air with high levels of pollution and particles can irritate allergies, lower productivity and can even place peoples’ health and safety at risk.
When polluted indoor air can cause avoidable discomfort, our commercial ventilation units are specially designed to deliver consistent air circulation for practically every application.
Whatever your ventilation needs, you can be sure you’ll find a fitting solution in our selection of products, from professional fans, destratifiers and floor dryers, to heavy-duty air handling units.
Powerful, targeted fans not only help provide fresh air and offer direct, immediate cooling. They also significantly speed up the process of drying walls during construction or water damage restoration projects.
Axial ventilation units can also greatly reduce drying times and offer much-needed ventilation in hazardous areas, such as waterworks, sewers, tunnels and canals to protect the safety of people in potentially dangerous working environments. Additionally, we can also supply explosion-proof units to manage fume extraction of volatile gases.
Residential ventilation is increasingly relied upon across Europe to provide fresh air within air-tight homes in an energy-efficient way. We achieve this using mechanical ventilation with heat recovery (MVHR) technology across our range of residential solutions.
MVHR systems use extraction systems to pump out stale air and renew the indoor atmosphere with clean outdoor air. However before it is completely exhausted, a heat exchanger transfers the warmth leaving the property to the fresh air coming in, helping to keep buildings at a consistent temperature with no additional energy spend.
Our heat recovery units employ reliable, efficient extractor fan motors to maintain healthy, comfortable atmospheres with minimal energy consumption.
Furthermore, our powerful range of fixed air handling units go beyond the remit of many commercial ventilation systems. Air quality, humidity and temperature can be kept under control in several unique environments, including indoor swimming pools, leisure centres and pharmaceutical factories.
With decades of combined experience in industrial ventilation systems, modern manufacturing facilities and a robust support network, you can always trust Dantherm Group to advise on the safest and most suitable system for your requirements.
Get in touch today to learn more about our market-leading range of industrial ventilation unit solutions.

Hvorfor taler folk først med Dantherm Group?
Når du køber direkte, har du ingen garanti for, at produkterne opfylder dine krav:
- Spild ikke penge på underdimensionerede eller ineffektive produkter
- Undgå overdimensionerede eller dårligt tilpassede løsninger
- Stil dig ikke tilfreds med produkter, der ikke kan holde til opgaven
Med os får du en førende leverandør af klimastyringsteknologi, der blev grundlagt i 1954,
og som ikke sætter performance, effektivitet eller pålidelighed på spil.

Se det skræddersyede ventilationssystem, som vi har udviklet til Danmarks højeste boligbyggeri.

Bæredygtige løsninger til dit swimmingpoolprojekt

Forståelse for hvad, hvordan og hvorfor i forbindelse med tredjepartstest af ventilationsprodukter.

Brug for hjælp til at vælge den rigtige løsning? Vores team på over 100 eksperter i klimastyring kan hjælpe dig.