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Europas førende producent af løsninger til lagerklimakontrol

Fugtregulering og tørring til lagerfaciliteter for printplader

Fugtregulering og tørring til lagerfaciliteter for printplader

Fra sorptionsaffugtere til praktiske måleinstrumenter - find den ideelle tørluftsteknologi til dine klimakontrollerede faciliteter.

Selv små mængder overskydende fugt kan bringe dine printkorts tilstand i fare. Beskyt dine medarbejdere, lokaler og elektroniske komponenter mod høj luftfugtighed, når du anvender vores europæisk førende udvalg af højtydende systemer til styring af luftfugtigheden på lageret.


Vores sorptionsaffugtere er kendt for deres fremragende effektivitet og pålidelighed og giver dig mulighed for at opretholde det perfekte kontrollerede miljø til elektronisk opbevaring i enhver skala.

Udvalgt produkt
Dantherm climate solutions badge
Dantherm TTR 2800 – adsorptionsaffugter

TTR 2800 er en industriel sorptionsaffugter, der økonomisk håndterer næsten 400 kg fugt pr. dag. Fungerer godt i kolde omgivelser og ved lave dugpunkter med et robust hus i rustfrit stål og energibesparende EC-ventilatorer.

Også velegnet til:

  • Lagerbygninger
  • Læsseområder
  • Distributionscentre

Industrielle tørrere

I større varehuse og lagerfaciliteter giver vores højtydende industritørrere den beskyttelse, dine printkort kræver mod høj luftfugtighed.

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Udvalgt produkt
Dantherm climate solutions badge
Dantherm TTR 13500 – adsorptionsaffugter

TTR 13500's førsteklasses tørreevne og robusthed er velegnet til køligere, større omgivelser, der kræver enorme mængder tør luft. Håndterer op til 1.790 kg fugt pr. dag med effektiv varmegenvinding og energibesparende EC-ventilatorer.

Også velegnet til:

  • Lagerbygninger
  • Distributionscentre
  • Toldoplag


Gør PCB-beskyttelse til en ubesværet formalitet, når du bruger vores sofistikerede måleinstrumenter til at spore mængden af fugt i luften omkring dine printkort.

Udvalgt produkt
Master Top Badge
Heylo Hygromaster 2 – Fugtmåler

Hygromaster 2 er et kraftfuldt og alsidigt termohygrometer, som er et komplet sæt, der måler den relative luftfugtighed, lufttemperaturen og overfladetemperaturen på materialer. Alle producerede data kan hurtigt dokumenteres og vurderes.

Også velegnet til:

  • Lagerbygninger
  • Opbevaring af musikinstrumenter
  • Møbel- og bådlagre af træ
Beskyt dine elektriske komponenter mod overskydende fugt

Beskyt dine elektriske komponenter mod overskydende fugt

Whether you need to protect your PCBs against solder joint degradation and delamination, or preserve the long-term wellbeing of your staff and warehouse equipment – you know how important it is to manage high humidity levels in your storage facilities.

With decades of experience supplying first-class warehouse climate control to the electronics industry, our dehumidifiers ensure your moisture-sensitive components stay suitably dry. Tailored to your site’s specific demands, achieve ideal conditions for your circuit boards with unrivalled energy efficiency.

Talk team

Vi tror på klimastyringsløsninger bygget efter dine specifikationer

Hver løsning, vi leverer, starter med en konsultation. Den bruger vores specialister til forstå dine krav for at sikre, at du får præcis det, du har brug for. Hverken mere eller mindre.

Humidity control and drying for circuit board storage facilities: FAQs

Why is dehumidification important for storing printed circuit boards?

Dehumidifiers are essential when storing printed circuit boards, as excessive humidity can quickly lead to short circuits, the corrosion of exposed copper and delamination. As well as being expensive to repair, damage like this prior to assembly can impact electronic device production, or lead to costly delays while replacements are sourced.

In addition, professional moisture control helps keep the staff core to your operations safe, healthy and productive. It can also prevent moisture-induced damage affecting the condition of your equipment and the integrity of your warehouses.

As a trusted manufacturer with decades of expertise in warehouse climate control, talk to our expert team to find the best moisture management solution for your electrical storage facilities.

What is the ideal humidity level for storing PCBs?

It is generally recommended to maintain a relative humidity (RH) of between 40% and 60% in your electronic component warehouse to greatly reduce the risk of PCB damage.

How does high humidity affect PCBs?

Without a solution in place to absorb moisture in your storage facilities, your printed circuit boards can sustain a wide range of damage, including:

  • Short circuits, which can cause entire sections of a board to fail

  • Corrosion, which can reduce the performance or operation of a board

  • Delamination, which can lead to layers of a PCB peeling apart

  • Solder joint degradation, which can contribute to electrical failures

For corrosion prevention and PCB protection you can rely on, talk to our experts for bespoke recommendations on the best equipment for your setup.

What dry air equipment is ideal for dehumidification in PCB storage facilities?

Achieving the humidity levels needed to protect the health of your people, premises and electrical parts demands nothing less than professional desiccant dehumidification systems, or powerful industrial dryers in larger storage facilities.

Speak to our experts to discuss the requirements of your electronic component warehouse, so we can guide you towards the most fitting solution.

What is electrochemical migration (ECM) in PCBs?

Electrochemical migration (ECM) is when conductive paths form on PCBs where they do not belong. This can lead to malfunctions, short circuits, and in extreme cases, even overheating.

While ECM can be triggered by various factors, high humidity is one of the most common, as it:

  • Serves as a conductor for ions, creating conductive paths that should not exist

  • Accelerates the rate of corrosion – another factor that contributes to electrochemical migration

Do you need dehumidifiers in all PCB storage facilities?

Yes. It is recommended to install dehumidifiers in every PCB storage facility, as moisture-related issues can develop in any location.

Do you sell energy-efficient dehumidifiers for PCB storage facilities?

Yes, our range of high-performance dehumidification systems are some of the most energy-efficient solutions on the market.

Combining decades of expertise, high-quality components and a steadfast commitment to European engineering, our solutions enable PCB warehouses to maintain ideal humidity conditions with unwavering consistency and minimal long-term running costs.

Is temperature control also important for PCB storage?

Yes – temperatures should be closely controlled throughout an electrical part warehouse. This is because:

  • Temperature and humidity are closely connected, and drastic fluctuations can lead to corrosive condensation

  • Overly high temperatures can directly damage your PCBs themselves, disrupting circuits and warping boards

  • Uncontrolled operating temperatures can undermine the welfare and productivity of your workers

For the ideal controlled environment, our experts recommend keeping your facilities between 22°C and 27°C.

With a comprehensive range of warehouse temperature control equipment, talk to our team to discuss the most efficient option for you.

Can I buy your dehumidifiers for my PCB warehouse online?

We don’t make our humidity control units available to purchase online to ensure that every system we design, manufacture and supply fits your exact requirements. By taking a consultative approach with a highly-trained expert, we make sure that you are only recommended equipment that meets your needs – and fulfils these in the most efficient, cost-effective way possible.

Across all of our products, VAT-registered companies can get a quote very quickly by pressing 'I want to buy' and inserting your enquiry and contact details.

How soon can you supply your humidity control units to my electronic storage facility?

This varies on a case-by-case basis. For some standard products, accessories and consumables, we can provide day-to-day delivery. For larger orders or more bespoke humidity control solutions, there may be a longer lead time.

By reaching out to our experts we can put you in touch with your nearest local supplier so you can receive the products you require in the most timely manner possible.

Do you sell your warehouse and storage dehumidifiers to private consumers?

No. Dantherm Group’s range of humidity control solutions for warehouses and storage facilities are only sold to industry professionals directly from our offices, or via our extensive network of distributors.

What support do you offer for your warehouse and storage moisture control technology?

With offices, servicing partners and spare parts suppliers distributed across Europe, we can rapidly respond to any request or issue involving your products. You can learn more about our servicing and spare parts services on our website.

Our professionals are also happy to advise on the most effective way to set up and operate your equipment, so you always get the maximum performance and value from your products.

Hvorfor vælge Dantherm Group til professionelle klimastyringsløsninger?

Icon lightbulb

Skræddersyede løsninger tilpasset dine behov.

Vi er mere end leverandører. Vores eksperter skræddersyr vores klimastyringsløsninger efter dine behov, så du altid får det ideelle resultat - og sætter dig i kontakt med den rigtige leverandør for rettidig levering.

Icon european shield

Designet og konstrueret i Europa.

Kvalitet uden kompromiser. Vi designer og konstruerer al vores klimastyringsteknologi på vores kompetencecentre i hele Europa for at garantere enheder med uovertruffen brugervenlighed, pålidelighed og effektivitet.

Icon international availability

Europæisk netværk sikrer optimal support.

Support, når du har brug for det, uanset hvor du har brug for det. Vores europæiske netværk af kontorer, servicepartnere og reservedelsforhandlere sikrer, at alt, hvad du har brug for, kommer hurtigt frem.

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Kontakt en ekspert

Brug for hjælp til at vælge den rigtige løsning? Vores team på over 100 eksperter i klimastyring kan hjælpe dig.