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Europe’s leading manufacturer of food and beverage climate control solutions

Food and beverage humidity control and drying solutions by Dantherm Group

Food and Beverage Humidity Control and Drying Solutions

Enhance product quality and extend shelf life with market-leading humidity control solutions.

Reliable, accurate humidity control for your food production areas

You know that optimal food and beverage production depends on the right climate. Humidity levels play a major role in the quality of your output, the sanitation of your processing facilities and the comfort of your employees, which is why it’s important to keep this controlled across your operations.

At Dantherm Group, you will find the most efficient, robust and dependable dehumidification units in Europe. Controlling humidity in your buildings has never been simpler or more effective with technology backed by decades of engineering excellence and our commitment to top-quality components.

Humidity control and drying for food processing plants
Fugtregulering og affugtning

Humidity control and drying for food processing plants

From protecting the quality of your stored raw materials, to preventing mould growth on your production lines. Food manufacturers worldwide rely on our dehumidifiers to give them absolute control over the moisture levels throughout their facilities.

Humidity control and drying for bakeries
Fugtregulering og affugtning

Humidity control and drying for bakeries

Excessive moisture absorption into flours, sugars and more can ruin the quality of your baked goods. Deliver quality pastries and maintain ideal baking conditions with our renowned humidity control solutions.

Fugtregulering og tørring til vinkældre og bryggerier
Fugtregulering og affugtning

Humidity control and drying for breweries and wineries

Specific air humidity is vital in the production of beers, wines and spirits in order to preserve their core characteristics. Maintain the perfect temperature and humidity around your products with our energy-efficient systems.

Fugtregulering og tørring til drikkevareproduktion
Fugtregulering og affugtning

Humidity control and drying for beverage production

Manage the moisture content around your drinks and keep your machinery and personnel productive. With our market-leading condensation and desiccant dehumidifiers, you secure the optimal conditions for faster, better quality beverage production.

Fugtregulering og tørring til chokolade- og konfektureproduktion
Fugtregulering og affugtning

Fugtregulering og tørring til chokolade- og konfektureproduktion

Stop sammenklumpning og sukkerblomstring fra nogensinde at ødelægge kvaliteten af dine bolsjer, chokolader og meget mere. Håndter høj luftfugtighed med total præcision - tal med de europæiske eksperter i bæredygtig teknologi til styring af luftfugtighed.

Fugtregulering og tørring til kødforarbejdningsanlæg
Fugtregulering og affugtning

Fugtregulering og tørring til kødforarbejdningsanlæg

Uanset om du vil fremskynde tørre- og hærdningsprocesser eller eliminere bakterievækst omkring dit lager. Uanset hvad dit behov er, kan du finde den optimale løsning til styring af luftfugtigheden i dit kødforarbejdningsanlæg hos Dantherm Group.

Fugtregulering og tørring til ostemodning og mejerier
Fugtregulering og affugtning

Fugtregulering og tørring til ostemodning og mejerier

Du ved, hvor hurtigt kvaliteten af mejeriprodukter kan forringes under de forkerte forhold. Vores affugtere med høj kapacitet giver dig kontrol over dine forarbejdnings- og lagerområder og beskytter varerne mod uønsket forringelse, bakterier og skimmelvækst.

Fugtregulering og tørring til frysetunneler og kølehuse
Fugtregulering og affugtning

Fugtregulering og tørring til frysetunneler og kølehuse

Hurtigfrysningsprocesser i fødevareproduktionen bevarer forbrugsvarernes kvalitet, tekstur og smag. Undgå, at høje fugtighedsniveauer forårsager fugtrelaterede ulykker og fordærv med vores pålidelige teknologi til fugtighedsstyring.

Fugtstyring til tørring af trykluft i fødevareproduktion
Fugtregulering og affugtning

Fugtkontrol til tørring af trykluft i fødevareproduktion

Når overskydende vanddamp trænger ind i maskiner, rør og udstyr, kan det få fødevareproduktionen til at gå i stå. Stop kondens fra at afspore dine fødevareproduktionsfaciliteter med vores førende affugtningsløsninger.

Fugtregulering og tørring til nedfrysning, forarbejdning og pakning af frugt og grønt
Fugtregulering og affugtning

Fugtregulering og tørring til nedfrysning, forarbejdning og pakning af frugt og grønt

Beskyt kvaliteten af frossen frugt og grønt i hele kølekæden. Vores affugtere og industritørrere er robuste, pålidelige og bygget til at holde, så du kan stole på, at de beskytter dine varer, medarbejdere og aktiviteter mod isdannelser.

Fugtregulering og tørring til produktion af tørmodnet oksekød
Fugtregulering og affugtning

Fugtregulering og tørring til produktion af tørmodnet oksekød

Produktion af førsteklasses oksekød kræver præcise fugtighedsniveauer under hele modningsprocessen for at give smag og tekstur i topklasse. Sørg for kvalitetsoutput, afkort tørretiden og minimer driftsomkostningerne med vores robuste tørresystemer.

Fugtregulering og tørring til fødevarelagre
Fugtregulering og affugtning

Fugtregulering og tørring til fødevarelagre

Alt for fugtige forhold kan hurtigt gå ud over kvaliteten af dine råvarer og smagen af dine opbevarede fødevarer. Vælg vores overlegne affugtere til at holde vanddamp under kontrol i alle størrelser af opbevaringsområder.

Fugtregulering og tørring til modningskamre til skinker og pølser
Fugtregulering og affugtning

Fugtregulering og tørring til modningskamre til skinker og pølser

Fugtkontrol er ofte den afgørende faktor for kvaliteten ved modning af skinke- og pølsekød. Sørg for den bedste smag, aroma og tekstur - udstyr dine modningskamre med vores europæisk førende affugtningsløsninger.

The European leader in food and beverage humidity control solutions

Getting the right balance of temperature and humidity in food and beverage production is essential to your operations. Upholding health and safety. Ensuring great quality. Maintaining high productivity. It all depends on absolute humidity control.

For decades, Dantherm Group has engineered the solutions you need to manage moisture in any environment. From faster curing and drying of meat, fish and fruits, to preventing sugar bloom on your sweets and confectionery. Processing or storage, we have the experience and the robust dehumidifiers to meet your exact requirements.

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Vi tror på klimastyringsløsninger bygget efter dine specifikationer

Hver løsning, vi leverer, starter med en konsultation. Den bruger vores specialister til forstå dine krav for at sikre, at du får præcis det, du har brug for. Hverken mere eller mindre.

Food and beverage humidity control solutions FAQs

Why is humidity control important in food and beverage production?

Humidity control is key for food and beverage production in several ways. Firstly, it benefits the quality and safety of products as high humidity can cause microbial growth, spoilage and poor health. Conversely, low humidity can cause products to dry out, affecting their taste and texture.

Precise humidity control helps maintain consistency in production processes – something essential for achieving uniform product quality. Additionally, because excessive moisture in the air corrodes machinery, and overly dry conditions lead to static electricity issues, the right technology influences the performance and energy efficiency of vital equipment.

Moreover, humidity helps preserve raw materials and ingredients for longer, preventing clumping, caking, or moisture absorption, which can drastically affect appearance and integrity.

How can high humidity affect food production?

High humidity in food production promotes microbial growth, leading to spoilage and potential health hazards. It can also cause products to become excessively moist, affecting texture and quality. Additionally, high humidity can impact equipment performance and efficiency, and make environments uncomfortable for your team.

How do drying solutions benefit the food and beverage industry?

As well as enhancing the efficiency of production, preventing bacterial growth and improving product quality, drying solutions can speed up the process of drying and curing ingredients, such as dried fruits and jerkies.

What humidity control and drying solutions are suitable in food and beverage production?

Humidity control solutions that are often used in food and beverage production include:

  • Condensation dehumidifiers
  • Desiccant dehumidifiers
  • Air handling units

At Dantherm Group, we design, engineer and supply all of these units. Get in touch with our experts to discuss your needs, and we can advise on the right option for you.

What are condensation and desiccant dehumidifiers and how do they work in food processing facilities?

Condensation dehumidifiers extract moisture from the air by cooling it below its dew point, causing water vapour to condense and collect in a reservoir. Desiccant dehumidifiers use a desiccant material to absorb moisture from the air, with dry, warm air returned in its place.

Condensation dehumidifiers are typically most effective in high-humidity food processing facilities, while desiccant dehumidifiers excel in extreme humidity and low-temperature environments.

Are there specific humidity level guidelines for different food products?

Yes, there are specific humidity level guidelines for different food products to ensure optimal quality and safety.

Generally, moisture-sensitive products like grains and dried fruits require lower humidity levels to prevent spoilage and maintain freshness. Meanwhile fresh produce and baked goods may benefit from slightly more moist environments to prevent dehydration and texture changes.

Whatever your regulations or guidelines, our market-leading humidity control technology helps you maintain the right conditions across your facilities.

Can improper humidity control lead to food safety concerns?

Yes – excessive humidity can promote microbial and mould growth. This can quickly cause goods to spoil and allow health hazards to affect your raw ingredients and finished products.

What are the long-term cost benefits of your humidity control solutions in food manufacturing?

Our humidity control solutions offer long-term cost benefits by reducing spoilage, improving product quality, and minimising equipment corrosion.

By maintaining optimal humidity levels, our systems help enhance your operational efficiency, reduce energy consumption, and decrease maintenance costs – allowing you to make significant savings over time.

Are your humidity control and drying solutions energy-efficient?

Yes. At Dantherm Group, we take great pride in engineering some of the most energy-efficient dehumidification units in Europe and around the globe enabling our customers to recoup the investment they make in our products in a matter of years.

Can I buy your humidity control solutions for the food and beverage industry online?

We don’t make our food and beverage dehumidifiers available to purchase online to ensure that every system we design, manufacture and supply fits your exact requirements. By taking a consultative approach with a highly-trained expert, we make sure that you are only recommended equipment that meets your needs – and fulfils these in the most efficient, cost-effective way possible.

Across all of our products, VAT-registered companies can get a quote very quickly by pressing 'I want to buy' and inserting your enquiry and contact details.

How soon can you supply your food and beverage drying systems?

This varies on a case-by-case basis. For some standard products, accessories and consumables, we can provide day-to-day delivery. For larger orders or more bespoke drying solutions, there may be a longer lead time.

By reaching out to our experts we can put you in touch with your nearest local supplier so you can receive the products you require in the most timely manner possible.

Do you sell your food and beverage humidity control units to private consumers?

No. Dantherm Group’s range of humidity control solutions for the food and beverage industry are only sold to industry professionals directly from our offices, or via our extensive network of distributors.

What support do you offer for your food and beverage dehumidifiers?

With offices, servicing partners and spare parts suppliers distributed across Europe, we can rapidly respond to any request or issue involving your products. You can learn more about our servicing and spare parts services on our website.

Our professionals are also happy to advise on the most effective way to set up and operate your equipment, so you always get the maximum performance and value from your products.

Hvorfor vælge Dantherm Group til professionelle klimastyringsløsninger?

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Skræddersyede løsninger tilpasset dine behov.

Vi er mere end leverandører. Vores eksperter skræddersyr vores klimastyringsløsninger efter dine behov, så du altid får det ideelle resultat - og sætter dig i kontakt med den rigtige leverandør for rettidig levering.

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Designet og konstrueret i Europa.

Kvalitet uden kompromiser. Vi designer og konstruerer al vores klimastyringsteknologi på vores kompetencecentre i hele Europa for at garantere enheder med uovertruffen brugervenlighed, pålidelighed og effektivitet.

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Europæisk netværk sikrer optimal support.

Support, når du har brug for det, uanset hvor du har brug for det. Vores europæiske netværk af kontorer, servicepartnere og reservedelsforhandlere sikrer, at alt, hvad du har brug for, kommer hurtigt frem.

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Food and beverage insights