At Dantherm Group, we take a consultative approach to every purchase, so you can be confident that the heaters you receive are the best fit for your emergency service’s long-term requirements.
Indirect-fired air heaters for emergency services
When you need to produce vast amounts of warm, dry and fume-free air quickly, our indirect-fired heaters are the units of choice. With oil, gas and Biofuel models available, our systems allow you to keep disaster shelters, police tents and fire stations flush with heat and warmth round the clock.
Direct-fired air heaters for emergency services
Representing the gold standard in heating power and energy efficiency, our vast selection of direct-fired air heaters keep large buildings and outdoor spaces warm, even when electricity is unavailable.
Electric heaters for emergency services
For emergency calls that demand clean and efficient warm air, our portable electric heaters are the standout choice. Easy to use and highly efficient, they are perfectly suited for use in tents, small rooms and emergency shelters.
Infrared heaters for emergency services
Creating no air circulation, no fumes and no sound – the portable infrared heaters we supply to emergency services in Europe and beyond deliver radiant heat instantly. They are incredibly effective at keeping people warm, removing ice and snow from equipment, and much more.
Speak with one of our experts today for a free consultation to determine the most suitable heating solution for your emergency service, and we’ll put you in touch with your nearest local supplier.