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Europe’s leading manufacturer of emergency service climate control solutions

Emergency services cooling solutions by Dantherm Group

Emergency Services Cooling Solutions

Safeguard your personnel, patients and supplies with high-performance air coolers.

Act decisively during the hottest days with our class-leading air coolers

In an emergency, when every moment counts, high ambient temperatures can pose a real problem for your personnel, equipment and supplies. To ensure your teams stay cool under pressure, choose from our European-leading selection of professional air cooling technology.

For decades, our portable coolers have been the go-to choice for rapid-response teams worldwide. With a wide range of units to choose from, we can supply your service with everything it needs to deliver the best aid possible, from efficient mobile air-conditioners to portable evaporative coolers.

Cooling for fire crews

Cooling for fire crews

Few rapid-response units rely on emergency cooling technology as much as firefighting services. Whether you need solutions to support those rescued during a fire, or systems to keep conditions cool in stations year-round, our powerful air coolers are trusted by operators globally.

Cooling for coastguard stations

Cooling for coastguard stations

Ensure your teams are focused and ready to act at a moment’s notice with temperature regulation that performs at all times. Easy to use and quick to cool, our emergency response solutions maintain comfortable temperatures in coastguard headquarters on the hottest days.

Cooling for healthcare services

Cooling for healthcare services

Keeping ambulance crews focused. Treating severe heat-related illnesses. Storing medicine safely. It’s all possible when you deploy technology from our wide range of portable air-conditioning units and evaporative cooling systems.

Cooling for emergency rescue shelters

Cooling for emergency rescue shelters

In the aftermath of a disaster, don’t let high temperatures cause any more harm to those affected. Create cool, safe spaces for people to recover – any time, anywhere – with our class-leading collection of portable coolers.

Cooling for police and forensic tents

Cooling for police and forensic tents

Conducting police work in hot conditions can place the health of your people and the integrity of crucial evidence in jeopardy. Empower your teams to work better and safer during the peaks of summer with our energy-efficient selection of emergency service cooling equipment.

The European leader in emergency services cooling solutions

Excessive heat is a pressing problem for all types of emergency responders, whether your teams are handling the pressure of an emergency situation, or keeping your teams and equipment comfortable back at base.

To deliver the best response during hot weather operations, we can supply effective, durable and energy-efficient air coolers for any application. From stifling healthcare settings to humid coastguard stations – we are your trusted partner for emergency service heat management solutions.

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Wir glauben an die Klimakontrolle nach Ihren Vorgaben

Jede von uns angebotene Lösung beginnt mit einer maßgeschneiderten Beratung. Unsere hochqualifizierten Experten arbeiten daran, Ihre individuellen Anforderungen zu verstehen, damit Sie genau das bekommen, was Sie brauchen.

Unsere Fachingenieure fertigen im eigenen Haus maßgeschneiderte Lösungen, die Ihren Erwartungen entsprechen, und bringen Sie sofort mit dem richtigen Lieferanten zusammen.

Emergency services cooling solutions FAQs

Why are cooling solutions important for emergency services?

Heat stress. Poor focus. Tarnished medicine. Damaged evidence. There are many ways searing temperatures can put lives at risk, both directly and indirectly.

To deliver the best outcomes possible for people in need, portable air-conditioning systems and mobile evaporative coolers are essential for ambulance crews, firefighters, coastguards and more.

As a manufacturer with decades of specialist expertise, speak to our experts to discuss which coolers are the best fit for your hot weather operations.

What types of cooling solutions are commonly used by emergency services?

To create hospitable conditions in emergency shelters, fire stations, forensic tents and more, a wide selection of portable air-conditioning units and evaporative coolers can be used.

At Dantherm Group, we manufacture a standout range of mobile systems. Reach out to our experts to discuss the most fitting options for your requirements.

Can your cooling solutions be used in outdoor environments?

Yes, the portable evaporative coolers we supply, such as our Wind Force 7 and BC 121 units, are specifically designed for outdoor emergency settings.

How do cooling solutions contribute to patient care in emergency medical settings?

When temperatures are too high inside or out, this can lead to dehydration, heat stress or heat stroke – increasing the likelihood that a patient’s condition worsens.

To minimise this risk and improve the chances of reaching a positive outcome, it is impossible to overstate the importance of high-quality cooling equipment.

What factors should emergency services consider when selecting cooling solutions?

No two emergency services are the same, and neither are the incidents they respond to. To be as effective as possible, you need the right cooling equipment – something that requires careful consideration of:

  • Your region’s climate
  • Your role as an emergency service
  • The incidents you must attend
  • The kind of transport you have access to

At Dantherm Group, our experts consider all of these factors and more to help you acquire only the most fitting cool air solution. Talk to our team today to get started.

Are your air coolers easy to transport to emergency sites?

Yes. Our entire catalogue of emergency service air coolers are specifically designed to be lightweight, compact and easy to transport to and from emergencies. This means faster response times and better outcomes whenever your teams answer the call.

Can I buy your emergency service cooling solutions online?

We don’t make our cooling equipment available to purchase online to ensure that every solution we design, manufacture and supply fits your exact requirements. By taking a consultative approach with a highly-trained expert, we make sure that you are only recommended equipment that meets your needs – and fulfils these in the most efficient, cost-effective way possible.

Across all of our products, VAT-registered companies can get a quote very quickly by pressing 'I want to buy' and inserting your enquiry and contact details.

How soon can you supply your emergency air coolers?

This varies on a case-by-case basis. For some standard products, accessories and consumables, we can provide day-to-day delivery. For larger orders or more bespoke cool air solutions, there may be a longer lead time.

By reaching out to our experts we can put you in touch with your nearest local supplier so you can receive the products you require in the most timely manner possible.

Do you sell your emergency service cooling solutions to private consumers?

No. Dantherm Group’s full range of temperature control is sold only to emergency service providers directly from our offices, or via our extensive network of distributors.

What support do you offer for your emergency service cooling solutions?

With offices, servicing partners and spare parts suppliers distributed across Europe, we can rapidly respond to any request or issue involving your products. You can learn more about our servicing and spare parts services on our website.

Our professionals are also happy to advise on the most effective way to set up and operate your equipment, so you always get the maximum performance and value from your products.

Warum sollte man sich bei professionellen Klimatisierungslösungen für die Dantherm Group entscheiden?

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Maßgeschneiderte Lösungen, die sich an Ihren Bedürfnissen orientieren.

Wir sind mehr als nur Lieferanten. Unsere Experten passen unsere Klimatisierungslösungen an Ihre Anforderungen an, damit Sie immer das ideale Ergebnis erhalten - und stellen den Kontakt zum richtigen Lieferanten her, um eine rechtzeitige Lieferung zu gewährleisten.

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Entworfen und konstruiert in Europa.

Qualität ohne Kompromisse. In unseren Kompetenzzentren in ganz Europa entwickeln und konstruieren wir unsere gesamte Klimatechnik, um Geräte mit höchster Benutzerfreundlichkeit, Zuverlässigkeit und Effizienz zu gewährleisten.

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Europaweites Netzwerk für bestmögliche Unterstützung.

Unterstützung, wann immer Sie sie brauchen, wo immer Sie sie brauchen. Unser europaweites Netz von Niederlassungen, Servicepartnern und Ersatzteilhändlern sorgt dafür, dass alles, was Sie benötigen, schnell verfügbar ist.

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Benötigen Sie Hilfe bei der Auswahl der richtigen Lösung? Unser Team von über 100 Experten für Klimatisierung hilft Ihnen gerne weiter.

Emergency services insights

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Professionelle Gebläse und Ventilatoren sind in vielen Situationen unverzichtbare Hilfsmittel für die Belüftung, z. B. auf Baustellen und in Produktionsbereichen, wo Staub und andere in der Luft schwebende Partikel vorhanden sind. Lesen Sie diesen Artikel und erfahren Sie, wo sie eingesetzt werden und wie man es richtig macht.

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